View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
12-10-2012, 9:12 AM
10 Dec 2012

Good Morning Everyone,
Well, the storm front finally passed through and we got some much needed rainfall. We still need more rain to come out of our rainfall deficit for the year. Been very dry here this year.

Been working on a bowl.....yes, I got back on the lathe in the shop.....to turn a bowl for a lady who lost one of my bowls in a tornado 2 years ago. She prized that bowl and I looked in my shop and found the sister blank that I turned her original bowl from. :)
So, looks like I'm going to finish turn her bowl this week (work and time permitting). I have several people wanting cutting boards, but I just can't seem to find the time. I have year-end projects I'm working on for the day job and that takes most of my time now days. I guess we'll see how this all pans out.

We are back to cool/cold temps again....72º F Saturday and near that yesterday and today it is in the upper 30's. Time to clean out the woodstove again and put a warm fire in there to heat the house.

That's it for me...so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to your all.!

Matt Meiser
12-10-2012, 9:46 AM
I came home from a work trip Thursday night with my timesheet already showing "overtime" so I took care of a few work things Friday morning then kind of wasted away the rest of the day. I did get some time to play with the new Parallel Guides for the Festool tracks from Seneca Woodworking. Its a really nice system if anyone is looking. I got one of the very first sets and did have a few suggestions for them, mainly around using different hardware. Friday evening I took LOMLjr Christmas shopping. Saturday was LOML's extended family Christmas gathering. Basically just a pot luck get together at a church, but 2 hours away so that took pretty much the whole day. Sunday they went to a show so I messed around in the shop swapping out an air hose and figuring out some cabinets I want to build.

Shawn Pixley
12-10-2012, 10:05 AM
Long work week last week, so I welcomed the weekend. Dogs always get their exercise/ dogpark run. Visited some of my friends at the woodworking show at our local woodcraft. Prepped the house for winter. I oiled up the front gate. Then started the finishing of my display cabinet. Oddly that was hot, sweaty work. Back to work early this morning.

David Hostetler
12-10-2012, 10:12 AM
LONG weekend for us. LOML got very sick wednesday night / thursday morning, ended up taking her to the ER to find out her blood sugars and pressure were through the roof. So much for just hypoglycemia I guess. Got out of the hospital late Friday, spent the weekend dealing with a freaked out wife, chasing meds, and arguing with the insurance company. I need to get my truck fixed, but just haven't had the time...

Rod Sheridan
12-10-2012, 10:37 AM
Hi, I travelled to Harrisonburg Virginia, I'm working in Mount Jackson this week then back home to enjoy Christmas vacation.

After this trip I'm not back to work until next year................Boy, that has a nice sound to it, no work until next year................Rod.