View Full Version : It Didn't Include the Kitchen Sink...But Close

James Combs
12-07-2012, 8:37 PM
Just under it.:cool:
Purchased one those under-sink water hoses with the stainless steel braid covering to get the covering. Cut one end off of it with a hacksaw then cut about 3" piece off the hose
worked the braid off of the rubber, tied it with some small wire around a Wall Street II pen tube which I had painted white then cast the whole thing in clear Alumilite. Turned it between centers, applied 4 coats of CA(Alumilite doesn't shine like PR) then polished it with Micro Mesh starting with 2400 then thru 12000.

Assembled it to the rest of the WSII components and wah-lah a stainless steel Wall Street II PENCIL. Didn't have any pens and this 0.5mm pencil had been lying in a drawer for a couple years so I though I would use it.

Some processing comments:
I will be posting a question over on the IAP asking if anyone has turned SS braid before to find out if there is a better way to work with it then the way I had to.
That stuff is tough. Would never have made it through the process without my carbide tools. It ate my HSS tools alive.:D Right off the bat got a big catch with my HSS parting tool trying to take the ends down to the tube ends to square it up. (sometimes I square on/with the lathe rather then a pen mill) Finally got it done with a carbide square scraper. Was holding the casting in my scroll chuck so the catch took a large hunk out of the Alumilite clear down to the braid. Found the piece and super glued it back in place. Very next touch the same piece went flying again. Took a different tack this time. Filled the exposed braid area with thick CA and hit with accelerator. After about three layers of this I had clear acrylic back above the bushing line. Took it a lot easier from then on, no more catches, got the ends squared, went to BTC bushings then turned it as pictured above and the line between the Alumilite and the CA fill is invisible;).

A little closer look

Thanks for looking and C&C welcomed.

Bernie Weishapl
12-07-2012, 8:56 PM
I like it JD. It just looks like a really classy pen.

Tim Rinehart
12-07-2012, 9:24 PM
JD, that is one cool pen! I like your resourcefulness, but not sure I care to try. Really a beaut!

Roger Chandler
12-07-2012, 9:28 PM
Beautiful work, JD......that braided pipe cover is tough stuff........it will be interesting to hear if you get a response on a better way to do this on the IAP site.......

I have thought about making one with a carbon arrow.........just an idea!

Doug W Swanson
12-07-2012, 9:31 PM
That's a great pen, JD. I love how it turned out....

FYI: I received a similar pen with copper braiding on a PITH trade at IAP a few years ago. I love the look of the braiding on pens...

Timothy Mann
12-07-2012, 9:42 PM
That turned out beautiful James. I just received my pen kits from PS this evening when I checked the mail. I received my mandrel kit a few days ago. Tomorrow I will see what I can do about making my first pens, there are 12 pen kits in the package I ordered.

Jim Burr
12-07-2012, 10:10 PM
Sweet JD!! We are going to have to combine that with some gator jaw I have in the shop!

Mike Cruz
12-07-2012, 10:45 PM
That turned out really cool! I would accuse you of going through WAY too much for this process, but that would be the pot calling the kettle black. I've been known for doing just the same sort of thing...just because the idea popped in my pea brain, and I just couldn't get it out...so...I'd do it. Even if it took WAY too long. The good news? You still have a lot more stock to do a whole bunch more!

Michelle Rich
12-08-2012, 5:59 AM
h0w clever you are..amazing

Grant Wilkinson
12-08-2012, 2:39 PM
JD: I've done several of these, and while you'll likely get lots of good advice on the IAP, I'm here, so why not. I gather that your problems were only with squaring the ends, since other than that, you're turning plastic. I use a home made jig, seen often on the IAP, that uses a transfer punch to hold the blank square to an abrasive of some sort. I have a 1" belt sander on which I put a sharpening belt. It cuts the SS braid easily and square the cast blank to the tube.

Nice work on yours. It look very fine.

Dave Mueller
12-08-2012, 11:24 PM
Very cool use of a mundane resource...gotta try this one.

Steve Schlumpf
12-09-2012, 11:01 AM
Sounds like you had to do a lot of work for this... but it sure was worth it! Beautiful - one of a kind pen!