View Full Version : ISO: Resin with water-like consistency

Dan Hintz
12-06-2012, 11:38 AM
Does such a resin exist? Having such a consistency would mean mixing wouldn't cause (lasting) bubbles, and it's too big to fit into a vacuum chamber. I imagine a cure time measured in many hours (24?).

If not, what's the "most watery" resin mix currently available, one of those "pour a top" setups?

Dale Coons
12-06-2012, 12:00 PM
DAP Weldwood Plastic Resin may be what you want. It was designed for this sort of thing (bent wood and vacuum work). It's activated with water (comes as a powder), has a very long open time, and takes overnight to cure. And it initially has a fairly watery consistency although it does start to thicken after a while. It's been around for a bazillion years. Very strong, dries hard.

Dan Hintz
12-06-2012, 1:52 PM
I'll check it out... thanks, Dale :)

Howard Acheson
12-07-2012, 11:20 AM
>>>> Resin with water-like consistency

Are you looking for something that is water clear or something that has little viscosity like water? Or both?

What are trying to do?

Pour-on epoxies have cure times between 2-5 hours depending on temperature as I recall.

I suggest you contact West Systems or System 7. Both make a wide range of epoxies and could suggest something that would work.

John Coloccia
12-07-2012, 11:33 AM
Are you trying to pot something, Dan?

Dan Hintz
12-07-2012, 1:04 PM
Water clear is ideal, though not an absolute necessity. I'm mostly looking for extremely low viscosity to allow for it to flow into the tiniest possible crack, as well as being able to mix up a batch quickly without worrying about introducing air bubbles.