View Full Version : Finishing ?????

Fred Belknap
12-06-2012, 9:47 AM
I would like to know what turners use to apply finish. I mostly use paper towel, the blue kind. I have a cheap spray gun and an air compressor but it seems like so much trouble to get it out and mix finish then clean it out to use the next kind of finish. I have thought of getting an air brush but don't know if it would work for spraying varnish and shellac and WTF and lacquer or if it was just for decorating something. Do you use rattle can finish, spray finish, wipe on, brush on or something else. I know the answer is probably, "just depends".

Peter Fabricius
12-06-2012, 10:09 AM
Hi Fred;
I know the answer is probably "just depends" for most turners but I think for most finishes that have to soak into the wood it has to be easy and quick.
For me, it it is Tung Oil and I apply it with a small 4 x 4" terry towel cut square. I fold the square into a pad of 4 layers and either dip or pour the oil on the pad.
This is quick and easy. (NOTE: I am very careful about disposing of the pads. Place them on the edge of a tin can to dry and when the garbage goes out the pads are thrown in)
I do have a spray gun and compressor but only use that for larger flatwork projects where I need a really smooth finish.
To polish I use a small 0000 steel wool pad and then wax, also applied with a small pad of terry towel. (NO large rags near the spinny things).
Just a few ideas.
Peter F.

Tom Jones III
12-06-2012, 10:32 AM
Admittedly my work is well below par for this course, but I do have a finish that I like for mesquite. YMMV on other woods. My favorite mesquite finish ... is to not finish it. I sand to 800 and then buff and wax. The grain really pops with the second buffing (white diamond) and with the wax.

Eric Gourieux
12-06-2012, 12:51 PM
In my hands, it does depend on the finish. Some I will wipe on with paper towel (white or blue), old tee shirt or brush. I spray lacquer with my HVLP and have started spraying WTF with my HVLP and most recently with my new-ish airbrush. I really like spraying with the airbrush and it is easy to clean. I've not sprayed varnish, shellac or lacquer with the airbrush, but I don't see why you couldn't. Probably would need to thin most of those in order to spray.

Bernie Weishapl
12-06-2012, 9:34 PM
I use a airbrush and spray with a airbrush WTF, Target water based lacquer and poly. Easy clean up and gives a great finish. I haven't tried to spray poly, shellac or lacquer with it.

Thomas Canfield
12-06-2012, 9:43 PM
My wipe on applicator choice is white Bounty "Select Size" paper towels, and then only a small strip torn about 2" wide. I use that for my oil/poly finish and also a smaller section for applying Renassiance wax. In fact, that is the only towel I use in the shop even though I have a roll of "blue" towels never opened in the shop.

Fred Belknap
12-06-2012, 9:45 PM
Thanks guys; looks like an air-brush is on my short list. A good finish is important for anything one make for sale. Do you thin the WTF when you spray?

Tom Winship
12-06-2012, 9:52 PM
I use the blue paper towels with WTF but probably will put an HF Airbrush on my short list after reading this thread.

Rob Price
12-07-2012, 4:19 AM
What airbrushes are you guys using? I've played with the idea of getting one for a while, I'm doing more and more WTF and heard it sprays well- maybe it would build a little quicker?

Bill Hensley
12-07-2012, 7:29 AM
I only spray lacquer but I know some here use the airbrush to spray WTF.

I've used a Badger siphon feed airbrush to spray lacquer but it takes several coats to build since I have to cut it pretty thin to spray. I use a Iwata gravity feed to spray color. I now use a HVLP touch up gun from Harbor Freight to spray lacquer, it has the regulator attached to the handle. It allows me to spray less coats because I don't have to cut it as much and it cleans quicker and easier than an airbrush. Seems no matter how much I flush out the airbrush I still have a sticky needle the next time I use it. I usually have to disassemble the next time to get it working smoothly.

Otherwise for oil, WOP or WTF I may grab a piece of paper towel to apply, not too discerning on brand. The cosmetic sponges work real well and provide a nice finish for WOP and WTF. They are cheap, my wife turned me on to them.

What I use is usually determined by the size of the piece and the final results I'm going for.

Peter Blair
12-07-2012, 9:11 AM
Hey Fred. I too use lots of different finishes, too many I'm sure but many projects require their own.
I use:
- WOP with shop towels from Home depot cut to small 3 x 3 squares on most of my bowls that will be buffed.
- Rattle can lacquer for many of my smaller or thin objects, finials, stems etc.
- WTF on smaller pieces that I can finish on the lathe, bottle stoppers
I do have a couple of airbrushes and have moved them closer to my finishing area but have as yet to try them.
After reading Bill's comments above I am going to take a closer look at the Harbour Freight HVLP Touch up gun.

Bob Bergstrom
12-07-2012, 10:18 AM
I rarely remove the lacquer from my gravity fed spray gun. It is sealed the gun as well as it would be in the can. Airbrushes are for small detail and adding shading. Detail guns are great for final coat on bowls smaller than 10". They spray very small particles of finish. A full size gun puts out more volume. For an air brush use a 40% off coupon at Hobby Lobby and get a Iwata gravity fed brush. Harbor Freight is ok on a budget. They all will work, just a matter of consistency.