View Full Version : Has anyone seen that Oneway poster?

Tom Jones III
12-05-2012, 8:14 AM
There used to be a woodworking store in Houston called The Cutting Edge, a great store. There was a huge poster from Oneway on the wall with dozens of examples of different bowl profiles. It was great for inspiration and for reference for classic profiles. Has anyone ever seen anything like that?

As a side note, do you realize how hard it is to do a useful search for "bowl poster"? My google-fu is simply not up to the task.

Paul Williams
12-05-2012, 10:14 AM
I wonder if they are the same bowls that are pictured in the gallery on the oneway website?

Noah Barfield
12-05-2012, 11:33 AM
Have you tried e-mailing Oneway?

Tom Jones III
12-05-2012, 11:49 AM
I don't think it was the pictures from the gallery but it could have been. I did try emailing them but it has been too soon to expect a response. I will certainly post here if/when I get a response.

robert baccus
12-05-2012, 2:50 PM
Walk through a Hobby Lobby store or google up pueblo pottery.

John McCaskill
12-05-2012, 5:03 PM
You might ask Steve LeGrue, who owned The Cutting Edge. I don't have his email address handy, but I'll look for it.

Michael Stafford
12-05-2012, 5:29 PM
I have never seen that poster to which you are referring but if you want a comprehensive reference on bowl profiles, details and finishes I don't believe there is a better one to add to your library than Richard Raffan's The Art of Turned Bowls. It is one of the most comprehensive books dedicated to the subject of wooden bowls available. It is available through most wood turning suppliers and can be found in book stores.

There is also a wonderful reference book entitled 500 Wood Bowls which can be found in lots of book stores.

Dale Miner
12-05-2012, 7:24 PM
I've seen the poster, and it has some nice examples. But, as Mike noted, the Richard Raffan book is probably the best reference and explanitive work out there.

Justin Stephen
12-06-2012, 7:41 AM
He might just want the poster because it would look cool hanging on the wall of his workshop. :) It also sounds like something that would be nice to have hung up wherever teaching is going on.

Tom Jones III
12-06-2012, 8:28 AM
I have Raffan's other book "Turning Bowls" but the amazon preview on The Art of Turned Bowls looks like this book has a lot of different material I will definitely look for it.

One nice thing about the poster is that you can see a lot of examples all at once. Sometimes when I am at the lathe I find myself repeating just 2 or 3 of the same patterns over and over.

Ralph Lindberg
12-06-2012, 1:40 PM
I have Raffan's other book "Turning Bowls" but the amazon preview on The Art of Turned Bowls looks like this book has a lot of different material I will definitely look for it.

Tom, I have both. There is a fair amount of reused photos and drawing in the new book, but a lot of new material also