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Roger Chandler
12-01-2012, 10:57 AM
In my post a few days ago http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?194839-I-HATE-when-this-happens!!!-maiden-voyage

I had the vessel I was making for the Miller-Kite House museum to explode on me while making the lid. At the suggestion of Jim Underwood and the encouragement of a few other "creekers" I tried a repair.....but the glued on piece stood a good bit proud of the surface and I thought I would not be able to salvage the piece from what has been called by our former club president "the most challenging wood in captivity."

Well I went back and did a second round of glue and clamping........then took a look at it this morning, and thought perhaps there is enough integrity in the fix that it might be possible for it to hold together to try and thin it down and see if it could be salvaged........not the ideal situation, but it is what it is.

The piece was made from two smaller pieces of the oak....it would have been a better grain match with the lid and body if I had been able to use just a single piece and turned the lid endgrain like the body, but one has to utilize what one has with this wood.

First pic is the broken piece on the lathe......the others are the piece finished with only a couple coats of antique oil on it for the finish as of now........I like the color the antique oil provides for this Stonewall Jackson white oak.......

Bob Vavricka
12-01-2012, 11:13 AM
Roger, it looks like a nice save to me. Congrats.

Roger Chandler
12-01-2012, 12:14 PM
Roger, it looks like a nice save to me. Congrats.

Thanks Bob!

Doug W Swanson
12-01-2012, 2:37 PM
I'd also say that it was a great save. Looks nice!

Tom Winship
12-01-2012, 3:24 PM
I don't see the repair, so I think all systems are a go.

Rick Markham
12-01-2012, 6:07 PM
Man that last photo really captures the chatoyance, the pattern is striking. Looks like a good save to me Roger. It's interesting actually that the grain doesn't match on the top, In the second and fourth photo, it looks like it flows with the form. I like it.

Roger Chandler
12-01-2012, 6:14 PM
Man that last photo really captures the chatoyance, the pattern is striking. Looks like a good save to me Roger. It's interesting actually that the grain doesn't match on the top, In the second and fourth photo, it looks like it flows with the form. I like it.

Rick, interesting thing that you should mention the chatoyance.......I just had the turning in my hands a few minutes ago, checking to see if the AO was good and dry....turning it in the light shows a real sparkle show.......there are golden highlights and the rays as well......the grain itself all reflect the light in a different way......I am actually looking forward to putting on a finish coat or two and buffing it lightly when dry.........the irradescence will be stunning on this piece!

By the way......thanks for the encouragement to go ahead and try a repair......I did not think it would work, but it came out fairly well with light and gentle tool work and slower speeds.......along with a good bit of pucker factor! :eek::D