View Full Version : Replacement Guide Wheels for GL456 band saw guides

Chris Sheppard
11-30-2012, 10:44 AM
Hello all,

This is my first post so hopefully i have put this in the right place. If not please let me know I will delete or move.

I just picked up a Laguna LT 18 band saw made by Sagittario in 1995. Bought it for 100 bucks :Dcause it doesnt have the original motor (Switched to a 1.5HP for some reason, must be to go to 110 :confused:), table is dead flat, balde runs true, wheels and tires are great. My question is that does anyone know if you can buy just the guide wheel assembly for a GL456 style here in the US? They have a threaded end with a lock nut and have a casting with a tapped screw hole and notch in back. All I can find is some that are in the UK. Thank you in advance for any help that you can provide. I can post pics this afternoon.


(Update added pics)

you can see the part that broke off in the bottom of the picture.


Curt Harms
12-03-2012, 7:47 AM
Where's Van Husky? :) I thought of Carter if you couldn't get a better answer. To my surprise they don't list anything for Laguna. Have you tried Laguna? They don't have the greatest customer service rep but it might be worth a try. The other thought would be to look through Carter's offerings and see if anything looks familiar or call them.


Chris Sheppard
12-03-2012, 10:10 AM
Thanks for the infoformation. I talked with Carter and they do sell entire replcement guides for my saw. I was wondering if anyone knows how to find the broken peice. It is held on to the assembly with a screw. I am saving for the Laguna Guides but with a 1.5 year old and one in the oven it might be a while. ;)

Jamie Buxton
12-03-2012, 10:35 AM
That Euro-style guide is used on almost all Italian-built bandsaws -- Laguna, Minimax (SCMI), ACM, Agazanni. (The exception, as you've noted, is that Laguna changed over to their own ceramic guide five years ago or so.) You might try Minimax, or Eagle Tools in LA, which used to be the US importer for Agazanni.