View Full Version : Seeking Info. On Linden

John Altberg
11-29-2012, 2:19 PM
Has anyone ever turned Linden?

Steve Schlumpf
11-29-2012, 2:40 PM
John, I have been turning some Basswood. Here is the thread: Basswood Vase (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?193990-Basswood-Vase&highlight=) What questions do you have about the wood?

Richard Coers
11-29-2012, 3:39 PM
Best turned dry. Wet turning gets kinda fuzzy. Very boring figure and color.

Faust M. Ruggiero
11-29-2012, 4:45 PM
I carve in dry basswood. It is nice to carve because it has no grain to speak of. It holds detail well and cuts easily. However, plan on painting or carving any bowls you make from it or that may not be very visually exciting.

John Altberg
11-29-2012, 4:51 PM
John, I have been turning some Basswood. Here is the thread: Basswood Vase (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?193990-Basswood-Vase&highlight=) What questions do you have about the wood?


Thanks for the link. Was curious to know how it turned, so you have answered the question. The linden that I got has a much coarser bark on it than yours. Will give it a spin and see what turns out!


Pat Scott
11-30-2012, 9:42 AM
I've turned a few bowls from Linden. It turns and sands fine. It can move quite a bit during the drying process so be sure you allow enough thickness (minimum 10% and maybe a bit more). I agree with everyone else that the figure is boring. It really is plain looking, some pieces have almost no figure at all. I haven't tried coloring it or any other surface enhancements. I was going to take a picture of our popcorn bowl that is made from Linden, but it's really just a bowl and nothing to look at.

robert baccus
12-01-2012, 11:36 PM
It has few good features--extremely stable wood (think drafting tables and scales)--cut and finishes easily--line spalts bueatifully--great wood for drawers. Cocobolo it ain't but useful yeah.

Leo Van Der Loo
12-02-2012, 8:42 PM
I turned a few pieces, doesn't look that bad I would say, turns OK though it is a bit soft, sands just fine and should be able o be used like soft Maple pieces, here's a couple pictures of some roughed-out Little Leaf Linden.