View Full Version : SuperNova Chuck - cleaning

Tim O'Hearn
11-27-2012, 8:43 PM
A simple question - how do I clean off the gunk on a new chuck?

Roger Chandler
11-27-2012, 8:50 PM
A simple question - how do I clean off the gunk on a new chuck?

Mineral spirits work well!

Bill Bolen
11-27-2012, 8:52 PM
A good wipe down with mineral spirits is a good start. On a new chuck after the initial wipe down I soak it good with mineral spirits, mount it on the lathe and put a cardboard box over and turn it on at full speed. Throws a bunch more gunk off and all over the inside of the box.

Harry Robinette
11-27-2012, 10:15 PM
I've always used a bucket of mineral spirits and just swish the chuck around then oper jaws all the way and swish it again. Let set for a few minutes then do the box trick Bill B said about. An old paint brush comes in handy.

Brad Adams
11-27-2012, 10:45 PM
WD-40 worked good to clean mine.