View Full Version : Shape Challenge bowl - Deodor Cedar

Jim Underwood
11-27-2012, 5:08 PM
Our club has been working through the four shapes in the shape challenge that has been working it's way around the net. I finally got around to making the fourth one in the series last Sunday evening from 5-10 PM. The time frame includes chainsawing and bandsawing the blank to sanded and finished.

This is made from a Deodor Cedar that used to live in downtown Winder, GA next to the courthouse if memory serves correctly.

*Oops- didn't include dimensions* This is about 6-1/2" diameter x 3-1/4" tall x 1/4" thick. One coat of wipe-on poly so far.


Steve Schlumpf
11-27-2012, 5:14 PM
Good looking bowl Jim! You either have some really long growing seasons or that is a small bowl... what are the dimensions please?

John W Dixon
11-27-2012, 8:00 PM
Jim that is a nice looking little bowl. Tell me more about the shape challenge as I am unfamiliar with it.

John M. Smith
11-27-2012, 8:16 PM
Jim, The bowl looks really nice. I like the shape. Would like to see a photo more straight on so I could see the foot. I also would like to know more about the shape challenge.

Jim Burr
11-27-2012, 8:22 PM
Oh Wow!!! Jim...That has grain, color and shape. Nice work on a great bowl!!

Tim Rinehart
11-27-2012, 9:02 PM
Very nicely formed Jim, and that is a wood I've only heard of once in a while.

Jim Underwood
11-27-2012, 10:13 PM
Sorry I don't have another angle for the photo, but I can tell you it doesn't have a foot. It's a round bottomed bowl so it has a delightful rock when you nudge it.

As for the challenge, if I have it right, it was started by Cheryl Samuel of the Island Woodturners Guild in Victoria, British Columbia. There are four templates and handouts. The challenge is based upon Richard Raffan's work in Turned Bowl Design. Each template and handout is presented at a club meeting and members are usually given a couple of months to complete each one. At the end of the year everyone brings them to see what progress has been made.

I didn't get as much participation as I would have liked, but it was a great skill builder for me. I confess I have not completed all four. I managed to skip #3. But I still intend to complete it also. I'm hoping to create other templates so as to get in the habit of planning turnings rather than just letting them happen all the time.

Baxter Smith
11-27-2012, 11:13 PM
Very nice shape and a pretty bowl Jim. It would be interesting to see a picture of all 4 bowls together once you get them done.

Kathy Marshall
11-27-2012, 11:39 PM
Looks great Jim! Nice form and some neat grain and color in the wood.

Gene Hintze
11-28-2012, 9:18 AM
Nice looking form. I turned some deodar cedar a while back and it was a pleasure to turn and finish. The shavings smelled wonderful prompting the wife to gather a bunch and make cedar scent bags which now reside in our drawers and closets.

Bernie Weishapl
11-28-2012, 10:35 AM
Really nice looking bowl and nice form.

Rick Markham
11-28-2012, 11:14 AM
Fantastic form, it suits the wood perfectly. Really nice!

Jim Underwood
11-28-2012, 2:27 PM
Nice looking form. I turned some deodar cedar a while back and it was a pleasure to turn and finish. The shavings smelled wonderful prompting the wife to gather a bunch and make cedar scent bags which now reside in our drawers and closets.

My wife has moved the bowl out of the living room because she does NOT like the smell. But then she doesn't like the smell of Red Cedar either. I'm rather amused by that. I love the smell.