View Full Version : Gloataholic

Per Swenson
04-23-2005, 3:31 PM
Hi my name is Per,
I am a toolaholic.
I have suffered endlessly
in the throes of tool envy.
I understand the first step
is admiting you have a problem.
I write this with a shakey hand
as I have just read Mr. Sansone's
latest shop update.
For you edification I present
todays manifestation of my disease.

Thanks for sharing

Richard Wolf
04-23-2005, 3:33 PM
I share your pain!! Nice stuff anyway.


04-23-2005, 3:42 PM
Nice haul (even if it is a thousand pounds lighter than some of the other things posted around here lately :D ).
My favorite router.


Greg Mann
04-23-2005, 4:30 PM
Nice haul (even if it is a thousand pounds lighter than some of the other things posted around here lately :D ).
My favorite router.


Two thousand pounds lighter. :D

lou sansone
04-23-2005, 4:48 PM
Hi my name is Per,
I am a toolaholic.
I have suffered endlessly
in the throes of tool envy.
I understand the first step
is admiting you have a problem.
I write this with a shakey hand
as I have just read Mr. Sansone's
latest shop update.
For you edification I present
todays manifestation of my disease.

Thanks for sharing


Mr Swenson

Am I to blame for all of this! :cool: Honestly I do have some small light weight tools. I just did not want to bore you all with the piddley stuff. I am feeling that I better show you all some of my work. Even my wife asked me if I had actually cut a board today or just what was I doing out there in the shop all day.

Seriously, nice spray rig and festool. Congratualtions


Dev Emch
04-23-2005, 5:06 PM
What Disease? Problem? Naaaaa, you can quit any time you want. I know because I have done it...... hundreds of times!

Mark Singer
04-23-2005, 5:07 PM
Geat stuff! I bought the same router... yeah we got it bad.....my friend has 2 boats in the marina...he can only sail one at a time ...mean while he makes payments on 2...great 2 have friends....now about the sickness. lie hear on the couch and tell me when you first saw a hammer? Good! A plane....and so on...:o

Michael Gibbons
04-23-2005, 5:45 PM
At least you have something nice to show for your sickness. I ask my wife "fast women and booze"? or "tools". Tools wins every time.

John Renzetti
04-23-2005, 5:51 PM
Hi Per, I see you got the Fugi 4Q. Weren't you looking at a conversion gun that you could use with an air compressor.
Are you going to shoot latex with the Fugi.
take care,

Per Swenson
04-23-2005, 6:14 PM
In the intrest of profit and man hours,
(I pay myself) I needed a better way.
So I bought the fuji to spray Target coatings
line of products.(waterborne) I needed transportability
quality and above all Quiet.
This one fit the criteria.
The only latex around here is the gloves we wear.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-23-2005, 11:34 PM
Per...Congrats!......Now about your sickness......You and the rest of us are hopeless! :confused: There is no known cure. :( The only chance we have is to buy so many toys...er....tools that you become totally saturated with the process and loose the desire as a result. ;) Of course.........bankruptcy can probably slow it down if not cure it! :eek: :D Good Luck!

Tony Falotico
04-25-2005, 9:52 PM
I ask my wife "fast women and booze"? or "tools". Tools wins every time.

Same here, but it takes a few hours for her to stop laughing !! :mad:

Ian Barley
04-26-2005, 2:56 AM

Glad to see you went with the Fuji - let me know how you get on with it.

I am dithering on the Festool router at the moment so am interested to hear your comments on that as well.


Per Swenson
04-26-2005, 5:40 AM
I have come to the conclusion that lifes too short.
I have said this before, gonna say it again.
For years, back when they called themselves Festo,
I secretly coveted these tools but publicly
at the notion of paying top dollar for a yuppy
imported tool.
Not only was I incorrect in my assumption,
it made me poorer as a result.
(Festool dust collection saves me 2.5 man hrs a week)
About this router. I believe the 1400 is the best router
on the planet in this class. Period.
You will do youself a injustice if you dither any longer.

Kelly C. Hanna
04-26-2005, 7:44 AM
You are on a roll Per! I like the router for sure....some day I too will join the Festool camp...the first one will be the circular plunge saw.

Jeff Sudmeier
04-26-2005, 8:41 AM
Two great looking gloats there! I can't decide which I envy more!

Ken Waag
04-26-2005, 9:06 AM
hey Per,

Well the SMC group is always here to lend support. Only problem is we tend to support the disease and not the cure!

You and I must have gotten the same variation of the virus, as we're buying all the same tools. I got the Fuji a while ago, and (as you know) just made the Festool plunge and I awaite my Sawstop.

I can't offer a cure, but feel free to use my rationalization:

It beats drugs, gambling, cigarettes and other less healthy addictions.
Quality tools have good resale record. If you need to (for $$ or just making changes) you can get most or all of your money back.
As addictions go, this on is productive. You get too make nice stuff.

And here's a rationalization for you that I can't use:
You are a fine Crafstman. The best hands deserve the best tools, and the best tools should be in the best hands.