View Full Version : Lee Valley Cyber Monday

brian c miller
11-26-2012, 10:45 AM
Not sure if this is allowed but here a huge plug for Rob and the crew at LV.

I ordered a few things from the cyber Monday deal page:

and in a effort to not "dilly-dally" I forgot to add 2 items to my order. One quick email to the Cus't Service folks and they combined orders to avoid the extra shipping cost.

Brent VanFossen
11-26-2012, 2:42 PM
Rob and the gang got some of my cash, too, in exchange for the large shoulder plane.

Adam Petersen
11-26-2012, 3:00 PM
Mine too, new jointer should be on the way soon. Absolutely pumped about it. Thank you Lee Valley.

Rob Lee
11-26-2012, 3:05 PM
I ordered too... but had to wait until after 12:00, until y'all had a good crack at the inventory. And yes - I pay the posted prices....!

Cheers -


Greg Wease
11-26-2012, 4:35 PM
Too bad you had to wait Rob--the deals were good. I picked up a large shoulder plane to go with the medium one from last year's sale. And a couple of saws. And...

Maurice Ungaro
11-26-2012, 4:54 PM
Ordered myself a Large Shoulder Plane, since my medium one convinced me to do so. Also ordered the LA Jack, which is the plane I've been wanting for a long time. Sure hope I can interecept UPS before my wife gets home on delivery day!

Rob Lee
11-26-2012, 5:06 PM
Too bad you had to wait Rob--the deals were good. I picked up a large shoulder plane to go with the medium one from last year's sale. And a couple of saws. And...

Yeah... I was watching..... :)

Still am....!

LA Jacks and skew Block just went out.... BU jointer will go soon, and the saws won't last 'till end of day.

Pretty good that stock lasted this long.... means we picked the right items.

Cheers -


Chris Griggs
11-26-2012, 5:09 PM
I was really tempted to pick up the large shoulder at that price, but last weekend I spent all my money replenishing the lumber pile. Oh well, I'll get it next time - no use having another plane if I don't have any good wood or projects to use it on...

I wonder what there Rob decided he needed that he didn't already have...??? I bet it was this (http://www.leevalley.com/us/home/page.aspx?p=70181&cat=,70251&ap=1).

Rob Lee
11-26-2012, 5:15 PM

I wonder what there Rob decided he needed that he didn't already have...??? I bet it was this (http://www.leevalley.com/us/home/page.aspx?p=70181&cat=,70251&ap=1).

Hi Chris -

Well, I bought some of just about everything. The surge protectors are a steal .... got a few of those. Also the straps.... 4packs there. Folding hex keys.... my other sets always seem to be missing the one size I need. And who can't use individually wrapped tongue depressors.... :)

Cheers -


Chris Griggs
11-26-2012, 5:50 PM
Some of that little stuff does look pretty handy - I hadn't really looked at it closely till you just pointed more of it out. My eye and short attention span always look at the big stuff first. The magnet science kit looks like it would actually be pretty fun to play with - not joking, I realize its for kids, but that's the kind of thing I could easily waste an afternoon messing with. As an added bonus it comes with steel balls!

Ryan Baker
11-26-2012, 6:48 PM
I grabbed one of the jointers (along with the rest of a very large order). Couldn't pass up that deal. The LA Jack was a steal (if I didn't already have one). I decided to pass on the large shoulder plane, since I already had the medium. Definitely some goodies in there.

I initially had some trouble with the web site right after midnight -- it said it couldn't ship Cyber Monday deals to US addresses. But that seemed to clear up after a little while and it all looks good now.

Gary Muto
11-26-2012, 8:23 PM
I went for the compass.... and some other things that were cluttering my cart already. :cool:

Jacob Nothstine
11-26-2012, 9:05 PM
1 saw could not resist