View Full Version : SJPT Ornaments

Roger Chandler
11-25-2012, 6:23 PM
I had a few ornaments requested a couple of weeks ago........have received more requests........now I have to get busy getting these ornaments from the Stonewall Jackson Prayer Tree done and sent to the perspective owners.

I found that when you only have small pieces to work with [we are trying to utilize every available piece and not to lose any to the woodstove] that getting them mounted on the lathe can be a challenge and still be able to make something usable. I had mounting issues that had to be overcome with jam chucks for small openings, etc. These are harder to me than any bowl I have ever done! :eek: {well, that statement might be a slight exaggeration,:rolleyes: but they are tedious! :p]

Hopefully I will get to a few more in the next few days......[my new Delta midi 46-460 is supposed to arrive on Thursday] so I will have to save at least a couple for the break in of the new machine! ;) I am looking forward to turning something big.......when I can get through all these small things!

The birdhouse ornaments are the SJPT with maple roof, and one has a redbud roof, but it looks similar to maple, and the globe has ash for the icicle & topper......not totally happy with this icicle, the blank was not long enough, and I ran out of a small contrasting wood for that piece......gotta cut up some more logs into pen blanks!

Doug Herzberg
11-25-2012, 6:53 PM
Looks like a nice set of ornaments, Roger. It's good that you're getting so much use out of that SJPT. Hope you like the new lathe when it comes.

James Combs
11-25-2012, 8:44 PM
A nice long term use of the smaller pieces of the SJPT. Keep em coming.

Bernie Weishapl
11-25-2012, 8:46 PM
Looking good Roger. Really nice houses and ornamnet. Sounds like you are busy with orders. I have 6 more to go if I don't have anymore call in.

Kathy Marshall
11-25-2012, 9:06 PM
Those all turned out nice Roger! Seems like you're really making the most of that tree!

Roger Chandler
11-25-2012, 9:26 PM
Looking good Roger. Really nice houses and ornamnet. Sounds like you are busy with orders. I have 6 more to go if I don't have anymore call in.

Got a request just a few minutes ago for two globe ornaments........guess I will have to spend some time in the shop this week for sure! Thanks Bernie!

Roger Chandler
11-25-2012, 9:29 PM
Those all turned out nice Roger! Seems like you're really making the most of that tree!

Thanks Kathy......since that tree has historical significance, we are trying to be good stewards of the wood. Burning it would be a tragedy in my mind.....some of the wood has cracked a good bit, and because of that most of the big items that can be turned have already been turned......perhaps a few left, but a good bit of smaller wood for the turners who will utilize the small pieces.