View Full Version : Workshop layout

Deb Malloy
11-25-2012, 2:46 PM
I'm in the process of finishing my shop. The electrician is coming tomorrow and I'm trying to finalize tool placement and air cleaner placement.
I was thinking of putting the air-cleaner over out-feed table, not sure where exhaust should be located. Any and all suggestions are welcome. I've never actually used this area before, so its a complete learning curve. For now, I'm using a Delta 50-760, that will be wheeled from tool to tool. Everything right now is on casters.

I'm planning on storage under miter saw bench.
Around workbench, I'd like to hang hand tools , storage for screws, etc.

Todd Burch
11-25-2012, 3:30 PM
I think I would be inclined to swap the lumber area with the sharpening/clamp storage areas. It might be better to have your sharpening station under/near a window and keep the lumber closer to the door. Also, perhaps tighten up your storage space for your clamps - wall space is a tight commodity.

I might also swap the miter saw with the router table and whatever that is beside it. Or, do a 3-way shuffle, put your miter saw where your router table & "thing" are, put bench under window, and router table & thing where bench is.

I can't make out some of your labels for tools.

Perhaps the bandsaw in the corner (other side of dust collector) since you'll be moving the dust collector around more than the band saw.

Tablesaw & outfeed table look good.

Or, you can approach is as putting the storage items and less frequently used items in one area, items needing water by the sink, and work activities requiring good light by windows. You kind of already have items needing dust collecting together.


Deb Malloy
11-25-2012, 4:23 PM
Thanks for the reply. Sorry its a little fuzzy. The door leads to a small workout area, storage and the stairs to go up. I thought I would try and keep as much dust away from there as possible. Everything comes in thru the bulkhead doors. Next to the router table is a portable planer, next to the lumber a drill press.

Jim Neeley
11-25-2012, 9:43 PM
While it's very much a personal decision, placing the workbench under a window gives you natural light to work with.

Andy Fox
11-25-2012, 11:16 PM
A few possibilities:

1. Move clamps on wall adjacent to water/well room.
2. Move router table to where clamps are now, and planer can be against wall with feed axis same as tablesaw.
3. Move sharpening station over near sink, especially if you use waterstones.
4. If you get a jointer, you might find yourself wanting to put it where the miter saw is. Maybe move miter saw under lumber rack?
[edit] 5. Any possibility you might want sheet goods storage somewhere?

Deb Malloy
11-26-2012, 8:01 AM
I thought about putting that miter saw set-up under the lumber, but I didn't want to be reaching over all the time. And, all my pipes run along those 2 outside walls, I plan on boxing them in, so height becomes an issue. Right now, I have a rolling cart with sheet goods on one side and shorts on the other, not quite sure where that will end up.

Ben Hatcher
11-26-2012, 5:37 PM
I'd modify the router table to become an additional wing or outfeed for the table saw. I'd build a clamp cart instead of mounting them onto the wall so that you can wheel them to your glue ups no matter where you do them. I'd probably build a shallow work surface the same height as my bench where the drill press and lumber are and put my planer in it. That way, you can push the bench to the wall and have complete infeed and outfeed support for the planer. You can put short cutoffs below this surface and you don't lose much storage above since the planer probably can't take more than a 5" thick piece. The drill press can then be placed where the router and planer were.

Clint Olver
11-26-2012, 10:25 PM
Just wondering where your jointer and planer are in the diagram.


Deb Malloy
11-27-2012, 7:38 AM
The portable planer is next to the router table. Hope to have a jointer in the future. I've never used this basement space before, and just sort of placed those pictures as a starting point. What I do have is all on wheels. I'll probably build a clamp cart.
Jim mentioned the window for the workbench, but the windows are pretty small hoppers about half below ground, so not much on the way of light. I was trying to keep the dustier machines away from the door that leads to the first floor. The bulkhead leads outside.

Art Mulder
11-27-2012, 10:24 AM
Hi Deb,

That is an interesting space, with a lot of design challenges. I think you have the right idea with making sure everything is on wheels to start with, so that you can move things around to see how the space works out.

First, I assume those 3 black circles indicate support posts? The one by the sink I find puzzling, as it is so close to a wall.

Next, it seems to me that the area by that sink is under used in your plan. There is really nothing up there. Is the diagram accurate with the sink placement? Seems like you could make that space much more efficient if you moved the sink so it is flush to the wall. Then you could place other stuff there, either storage, or maybe the Drill Press or Bandsaw or something.

Also, the Tablesaw looks crowded. Again, this is assuming that your drawing is to scale. You only have about 24" clearance on the left side of the saw, and maybe 18" o the right? That is VERY crowded. I might even consider putting the TS where you have the Planer and Router Table. Yes it is nice to have the TS out in the open, but realistically the right side of a saw (left side in this drawing -- the right side from where you stand behind the saw.) can be flush against a wall much of the time. And in a compact shop you need to make compromises.

The workbench needs to be rotated 180 degrees, and then I'd put it flush against the outside wall.

Some photos would go a long way to helping clarifying the scene.

best wishes,

Deb Malloy
11-28-2012, 8:07 AM
Thanks for all the insights. Yes, its an interesting space. Those black circles are indeed support columns under the main beam. I think the reason it seems so close to the outside foundation is that that area is a little patio. The sink area isn't right. It really is about 6 inches from the wall and hugging the main stack to its right. I've thought about moving it to the right of the stack, but not sure its worth the cost.

The de-humidifier goes in the little space behind the chimney next to the column, allows me to run a hose to the sink. Next to that will be a cart with a small salvaged counter on it, that has paint, caulk, rags, and similar items stored.

The table-saw picture is a little deceiving. Its mainly the "white" area, the brown is an out-feed table, and the green shaded area is to show some clearance around the saw. I "borrowed" some pictures I found on-line that I cut and pasted in my illustrator drawing. I didn't quite paste it in the right area. The drawing is to scale, 1/4" = 1'.

I"ll definitely take some pictures when I de-clutter the area a bit.