View Full Version : Sometimes, even the experts

greg Forster
11-25-2012, 7:52 AM
From Winterthur's Tools Collection:


george wilson
11-25-2012, 9:34 AM
Yes,it is always surprising what those who consider themselves the elite are capable of. Sometimes too elite to ask "the troops".I've seen the elite grant the use of mother of pearl PLASTIC because they were too elite to ask the troops where to buy legal ivory!!

Also saw the neck of Segovia's guitar at the Metropolitan Museum designated as mahogany,when it certainly is Spanish cedar,like most fine classical guitar makers use. I can tell you,their musical instrument curator was pretty arrogant years ago when he visited my shop in Wmsbg.

Bill Houghton
11-25-2012, 11:39 AM
That's a wedge in racing mode - less air resistance that way.

I should add...although the staff in little local museums are frequently volunteers, doing their best, I've been amazed at the number of Stanley 45s in county and other local museums on which the fence was mounted backwards. Its use seems so obvious...but people put them together any which way to put in the display cabinet. My patient wife finally asked me to stop telling people how they should fix their displays.

Brian Cameron
11-25-2012, 4:24 PM
Bill.. I thought that too...but it is probably the wedges way of dissing the idiots..