View Full Version : White Pine- with birds eye figure?

Michael Dromey
11-24-2012, 11:26 PM
I don't use much pine in my shop. I am not a fan of it. But I keep a board or two for painting, testing cuts, etc. The other day I reached for this board and noticed what appears to be birds eye all over it. I have never came across this before. Anyone here seen this before? Is is rare for white pine to have these? I did a google search but really didn't come up with much. I though it might look nice in a jewlery box or something.


Michael Dromey
11-24-2012, 11:36 PM
Well my pic didn't upload. I need to retake the pics.

Michael Moscicki
11-25-2012, 12:11 AM
Do you mean something along the lines of this, courtesey of cobbler on lumberjocks?


Todd Burch
11-25-2012, 1:29 AM
Yep. I have about 1500+ bf of it. I've used it for all my shop cabinets too, and several other projects.



