View Full Version : refinishing fir floors with....?

Rebecca swanson
11-24-2012, 7:37 PM

I am trying to decide whether to put a stain on my fir floor in the kitchen, or just go with several layers of oil based polyurethane. It is the original floor in my 1925 bungalow, and has never been exposed--probably had the linoleum tiles glued down to the floor right from day one. We pulled all the layers of tile, and linoleum, and glue up and sanded the floors. They look pretty good, but not flawless. My husband likes the natural look, but I was concerned about the blemishes being too obvious without a light stain. Trouble is, everything we have tried looks hideously orange. I've read enough to know that a stain with a blue tint to counter act the orange is the way to go, but I would like some specific color names. So far, I have spend $40.00 on various different stains from Old Masters just trying to experiment, and feel am feeling frustrated with the outcomes.

As of tonight, the plan is to put down a wood conditioner, plus a coat of Old Masters natural, and then oil poly.

I am interested to know what others recommend, and am open to input.


Scott Holmes
11-24-2012, 9:06 PM
Old master natural and the poly will look the same; with or without the wood conditioner. The marketing guys just want you spend more money. Stain will HIGHLIGHT the blemishes not hide them...

3 coats of poly and you are done. Test it out in a closet to make sure you like the look. The fir and the poly will darken with age and exposure to light in the room. My favorite poly righ tnow is Varathane with Aluminum Oxide added. Available at Lowes. Satin is usually my choice. Gloss highlights EVER flaw.

Todd Burch
11-25-2012, 1:40 AM
Have you considered wax as your only finish?

Rebecca swanson
11-25-2012, 11:05 AM
Scott, thanks. I kind of had the gut feeling that the natural and poly would have the same affect, but wasn't sure if there was some protective quality to the stain. Have you done just poly on fir? It's just such a yellow wood, I'm not sure I like it. I guess I'm looking for someone to just say "It's great natural, you'll love it!"
Todd, I have not considered wax--only because I'm not familiar with it. What are the advantages? I do have two German Shepherds and have used oil polyurethane on my oak floors, and it seems to be a good shield from their paws. Do you use wax? Do you have pictures?


Todd Burch
11-25-2012, 11:36 AM
I do not have it, but most likely will in my next house. (I have stone in this house) A friend of mine has waxed wood floors in his house. It is gorgeous. He hires a high-end floor company in Houston to keep it up (he has the budget for that sort of thing). It's not sticky, but it's not slippery either. I have no technical details of it.


P.S. I just searched. The company he used/uses for his floor is this: http://www.schenckandcompany.com. (click "Items of Interest") Perhaps you can call them and ask.

sheldon pettit
11-25-2012, 2:01 PM
Scott, thanks. I kind of had the gut feeling that the natural and poly would have the same affect, but wasn't sure if there was some protective quality to the stain. Have you done just poly on fir? It's just such a yellow wood, I'm not sure I like it. I guess I'm looking for someone to just say "It's great natural, you'll love it!"
Todd, I have not considered wax--only because I'm not familiar with it. What are the advantages? I do have two German Shepherds and have used oil polyurethane on my oak floors, and it seems to be a good shield from their paws. Do you use wax? Do you have pictures?


Hi Rebecca, I agree with Scott's methods, though i'm not a floor finisher, That would be the simplest way to get it completed. what I'm offering you is just because your statements of hating the yellow look you have. The Scandinavians have long used what is referred to as "Lye Soap" finishes, what these will do is add a milky white look to the finished product. To long to really explain here, but i have included a site who actually does and offer such for sale. Note: the wood is not the same as yours, it has a more pink look of Doug fir, but i still beleive it would quite the yellow you not liking better than others suggestions, at least look at it and get back with your thoughts, be sure to watch all the videos for application and maintenance also ok?


PS: I would advise both the lye and white soap treatments for yours, but for sure you can make up your own mind after looking at all the info here, outstanding refferences also.