View Full Version : Gotta love Mesquite

Kathy Marshall
11-22-2012, 1:57 AM
I picked up a load of good sized mesquite logs on Tuesday. When I got home I only had a few minutes of daylight left, so I quickly got out the chainsaw and cut a branch stub off one of the logs. The stub was about 9" diameter and about 5" long.
I mounted it up for another endgrain bowl :eek:. I thought I had that out of my system, but I seem to keep trying it out of different woods. Mesquite is definitely harder turning endgrain than the sissoo was, but once I got my technique down, I was getting very smooth cuts.

The wood was soaking wet, so it still needs to be sanded. I'll give it a few more days to let the surface dry a bit. This piece seems to have a bit of a red color :D, I hope it retains the color through the drying and finishing.
8" x 3 1/2".
Today we got out of work a couple hours early, so I got home with plenty of time to start cutting some blanks and to get the logs sealed.
I have never seen mesquite this wet. The logs were too big for me to lift out of the trailer and I didn't want to cut them on the ground, so I carefully cut them in the trailer. One of the logs was long enough that I needed to cut it in half. Just as I was finishing the cut, the log pee'd all over the trailer :eek:. Water literally poured out of it!
I only managed to get 2 of the logs cut into blanks before the blade started getting dull. Since I was also getting tired and my back had had enough, I decided I'd cut enough blanks for the day. It's too easy to make mistakes when you're tired and the chainsaw is not the machine I want to make a mistake with!
These are what I managed to get cut. The big one in the upper right will become a large bowl before too long!
Thanks for looking!
Comments and critiques are welcome.

Richard Jones
11-22-2012, 5:48 AM
Gorgeous wood. I have a few pieces of mesquite that a nice lady from Arizona gave me. They are drying in box form, hope I can do them justice.

Kathy, does mesquite stain the ways like walnut?

Doug W Swanson
11-22-2012, 8:57 AM
Love the bowl! The color is really cool so I hope it doesn't fade....

Baxter Smith
11-22-2012, 8:59 AM
Pretty work and lots of fun times ahead!

Allan Ferguson
11-22-2012, 9:07 AM
Really good looking wood. It would be great to have a pile of that stuff undercover here. Great color in the bowl.

mike ash
11-22-2012, 9:10 AM
That's some nice wood Kathy. You will get some great bowls from that haul!!

Happy Thanksgiving, Mike

Bernie Weishapl
11-22-2012, 9:13 AM
Great looking bowl and wood Kathy. Love turning mesquite.

Dick Mahany
11-22-2012, 10:06 AM
I really like the color complexity of that Mesquite, particularly as shown in the 2nd pic. Great job on the foot and overall form. Around my neck of the woods, mesquite is mainly found in charcoal.....what a shame.

Nate Davey
11-22-2012, 10:28 AM
You may want to wax your lathes ways before turning that :D. That wood is gorgeous and you sure can't beat the price!

John Kent
11-22-2012, 10:35 AM
Great looking bowl Kathy, gotta love that mesquite. You have some of coolest
wood available down there and you always seem to bring out the best in it!

charlie knighton
11-22-2012, 11:31 AM
great idea for Thanksgiving, mesquite, envy your wood pile