View Full Version : Possible top coat over wiping varnish

Jason Zahn
11-21-2012, 8:31 PM
I'm using a wiping varnish on a small cherry table top that I am working on, and was originally going to just do multiple coats of the varnish in order to build up the protection. On second thought, I am 50/50 on the idea of putting on some sort of top coat over the final coat of wiping varnish to give a little more comprehensive protection for the cherry.

Any recommendations on what has worked well for others? I'm not interested in a gloss finish like a poly would provide, so I was thinking possibly a paste wax, however, I am not sure how that would affect the long term maintenance of the table top.

Anyone want to weigh in on this?


Scott Holmes
11-22-2012, 1:07 AM
Varnish is a top coat. Varnish is one of the most durable finish available to the home shop woodworker. Wiping varnish is nothing more than thinned varnish. approximately 3 wipe-on coats equals one brush-on coat. 9 or more wipe on coats is minimum for a table.

The varnish is the same whether it brush on or wipe on. Wipe-on is easier and a bit more foolproof. Less dust bunnies.

Jason Zahn
11-22-2012, 7:12 AM

Thanks- ill just stick with additional coats then. I'm approaching 9, but I'll probably just take it a few more over that.

Thanks for you reply...Happy Holidays!
