View Full Version : A Great Apron

Jon Murphy
11-21-2012, 7:17 AM
I like to wear an apron for my work as my shop is in my bedroom and I work at different times during the day so don't want to change clothes. I like leather, nothing fetishist about that, just that it is durable and hangs well. I never liked the one I had, nor liked wearing the cotton turner's smock I have - don't like to be too covered as the bedroom shop can be warm.

I just discovered a real gem. I was Googling leather aprons, some at 80 bucks and some over 100. There were some at lower prices, but none had what I wanted (including the big bucks ones). I perservered. I found a heavy cowhide apron, below knee length (36") and wide at the skirt (24") with cross straps and a back waist band. Breast pencil pockets, no lower pockets (which I didn't want). But the great surprise was the price - $25.45 on sale, with free shipping!

I bought it, and it is all it claimed to be - and perfect for me. I love it so much I barely take it off <g>. It is made by Tillman (I think) and I found it on the web site of Cyberweld/J.W. Goodliffe & Sons. I had to make one conversion, I'm only a 32 waist so the back belt was a bit long (the actual support is an adjustable strap left shoulder to right hip, and another right shoulder through a ring on the left hip and across the back to a snap on the right hip. Great design, single snap and you are in). Not difficult, just overlapped a bit of the long belt and punched it for a rivet. That strap adjustable, but limited by the ring, so I had to shorten it a bit.

I'm retiring my leather lap apron I used for sanding while sitting, the new apron has a better lap and goes further below the knees. I'll keep the old smock for very green resinous wood where I want my shirt covered (to keep the wife from attacking me when she does the wash).

OK, I'm having fun, but it is always fun when one gets a great product for a price that is far below the competition - one always figures there will be something wrong, and there wasn't.

Best, Jon

John Keeton
11-21-2012, 7:59 AM
Jon, the site you mention is a "reseller" site, so check this link (http://store.cyberweld.com/tilebibap.html?utm_medium=shoppingengine&utm_source=googlebase&cvsfa=2530&cvsfe=2&cvsfhu=74696c656269626170&gclid=CNePjaiO4LMCFQY5nAodnRkAtQ) to see if this is the one you bought - just so folks will know.:)

Looks like free shipping, too!!

Bernie Weishapl
11-21-2012, 8:50 AM
That one looks great. Thanks for the info.

Andrew Howe
11-21-2012, 6:22 PM
How tall are you and what size did you get?

Jon Murphy
11-23-2012, 4:26 AM
John, realized it was a "reseller", but don't see the link in your message. Am I not navigating Saw Mill Creek's forum properly or did you leave it out?

Best, Jon

Jon Murphy
11-23-2012, 4:32 AM

I was once 5' 10", now age has made me a bit shorter. There is only one size on the site I ordered from, so I think there is but one size. I think this apron will fit a tall man. With the bib above the first button below the neck button of my shirt the apron is yet below my knees - and below the knees isn't really important for a turner. The measurement from bib to bottom is 36", and you can adjust where on your body you orient that length.

Best, Jon

John Keeton
11-23-2012, 6:56 AM
John, realized it was a "reseller", but don't see the link in your message. Am I not navigating Saw Mill Creek's forum properly or did you leave it out?

Best, JonJon, it is the high lighted text that says "this link" - just click those words.

Mike Peace
11-23-2012, 10:36 AM
It looks a lot like the one on this Black Friday sale at Peachtree Woodworking. http://www.ptreeusa.com/edirect_112312.htm
I belong to Gwinnett Woodworkers that meets there. Great store. They are probably the largest vendor at the Woodworking Shows that go from city to city.

Jon Murphy
11-24-2012, 4:19 AM
Oh my, so easy. But the text wasn't high lighted on my display - it underlined itself when I put the mouse on it. Is that a problem at my end, should I see a high light? Or do I wander the text with the mouse to find underlines. Will have to learn Sawmill navigation.

Best, Jon

Mike Peace
11-25-2012, 7:20 PM
If you are referring to the hyperlink in my message (or any other for that matter) when it underlines, you click on it with the left button on your mouse. Normally hyperlinks appear blue. If you are color blind it is possible you can not see the hyperlink until you hover over it with the mouse curser.

Jon Murphy
11-28-2012, 6:31 AM
OK guys, a bit late getting back. I think this can be a close to this thread, and I thank you. For Mike, I'm not color blind, I saw your link in blue - but I'm not great with colors either, so where John's was "this linK" I didn't see the color change in the short text. In your typed out link there was enough text for me to notice the color. I'll be more careful to watch for the color in the future, always learning.

Best, Jon