View Full Version : My first rocking chair, its just a little one but it's the first.

Bill Huber
11-19-2012, 12:59 AM
I did build it from plans, I normally do my own plans but on this I decided to just get a plan. The rockers were the problem, just did not have any idea what curve to make them, I guess I need to get a book on building rocking chair. The chair is 26" tall, all put together with dowels with the Jessem Doweling jig.

I am sure the grand daughter will love it, she likes to rock but does not have a rocker, well until now.

It is walnut with 4 coats of General Finish Arm R Seal oil and urethane top Coat. I wish I had ordered more dowels and picked out the darker ones, the ones I had to use on the arm supports are just to light I think.

If I was doing it again I would put the rockers on the ends of the legs and not on the sides like the plan called for. I would also make the back curved and not straight like it is.


David Nelson1
11-19-2012, 4:21 AM
Heck Bill I'd be proud of that! Built by the numbers, next one make it yours. Great work!

Jim Rimmer
11-19-2012, 1:17 PM
Beautiful rocker and I'm sure the granddaughter will love it. I agree with changing the rocker placement but then don't we all change something the second time around.

Kevin Guarnotta
11-19-2012, 2:11 PM
Looks very nice...and yeah I don't think I have ever built something the same twice. I am pretty much always tweaking my designs. But you bult it yourself, so now you know how to adjust. I'm sure your granddaughter will be thrilled with it!

doug faist
11-19-2012, 7:39 PM
Bill - I guarantee you will find a tear in your eye every time you watch her rock in her new chair.

Very nicely done, Gramps!


Dave Zellers
11-19-2012, 9:55 PM
If I was doing it again...
Well, see, this is where you drop hints about needing another grand child. ;)

Nice job. Put the ball jointed man in it when you give it to her.

Dave, New grandfather to one who is coming for Thanksgiving.

Jack Burgess
12-30-2012, 11:56 AM
Bill, Jack Burgess (PaPa Jack) here! Have not talked to you in a long time. I appreciated our previous conversations and hope that you will have time to extend some additional information and advice. My dust problems are not conquered and I must make some major changes. I have been using a two HDepot , 5 gal vacs connected to two separate volex collection barrels. Each services a different side of the shop. I still do not have an adequate way of collecting dust from the drill press and radial arm saw. Have reasonably good system for belt sander and router.

Any chance you have a plan or pattern for collecting dust from table saw, radial arm saw and drill press? Would appreciate anything you have in plans or advice. Feel free to call me if you have time.

Jack Burgess
H 817-453-3077
C 817-538-6867