View Full Version : Got my plans back (my project for the year)

Ernie Nyvall
04-21-2005, 6:53 PM
It's been about twenty years so I may have a few questions when I get started. Technology has changed a bit in that time to provide for better energy efficiency and it's been a challenge so far trying to get through salesmen to what is real. I'm not knocking salesmen for they have a job to do, but it is funny when I ask for the info that backs up their pitch, some begin to stutter. Most are very helpful.

Anyway, I designed the floor plan with LOML input on the size of the kitchen and laundry room, and the direction she wanted to be looking out a window from three of the rooms at certain times of the day. lol I wanted the same view. Our sunsets are practically unobstructed to the horizon and are beautiful. My stipulation was no hallways except for the stairway (which I consider a hallway), but it will store file cabinets. I think I looked at a million and one plans for just those three things, but in the end, I took a piece of paper and pencil in hand. I'm no architect which is evident, but I finally came up with something LOML is happy with and myself as well.

It is just the two of us, but I put a second floor in a 12/12 pitch roof for family and friends. No closets up there, but I will build a couple of chifforobes.

I will be doing everything but the foundation, brick work, septic, and A/C, so it will take a while. One of my brothers has volunteered to take a month and help... I took him up on it. I just started working on materials cost. I wish there was an easy way to do that. Just figuring the amount wire is driving me nuts... that one will probably be best guess plus 20 percent.

Like I said, there may be a few questions.


Richard Wolf
04-21-2005, 9:25 PM
It looks great! Good luck with your project.


Ernie Nyvall
04-22-2005, 6:19 AM
Thanks Richard. I think it's going to be fun to do one on our own property.


John Hart
04-22-2005, 6:37 AM
I'm envious Ernie. That is something I've always wanted to do. And I will some day. Architect or not, you certainly show drafting experience. I like your layout. I hope I can help if you have questions (but I'm sure you have it well in hand). Good luck to you!

Jeff Sudmeier
04-22-2005, 8:14 AM

Our local lumberyard is great for determaining materials cost! If you provide them with your plans, they will give you a full estimate broken down item by item! We have used them quite a bit. Half of the time they are lower than others, half the time not. It is nice to have an itemized list to start off of though!

Ken Fitzgerald
04-22-2005, 9:07 AM
The Big Orange Retail Giant will do that too! I gave them the plans for my new shop and they gave me a materials cost estimate broken down item by item. I didn't like the fact that they substituted cheaper materials than my local lumber yard did. When you're building something that you want to last....I personally don't want to slide on the materials......

George Matthews
04-22-2005, 9:17 AM
I worked with an architect and designed and built my own home. I learned a great deal about patterns of traffic etc., and I suggest that your run your plans by architect ( or a senior student ) to help uncover any issues that may lead to a more efficient design.

One aspect of your design, from my experience, that needs some thought is the large number of small windows. Narrow windows in a thick wall have a narrow field of view, increase the amout of framing materials, and reduce the R-Value. Your window supplier will no doubt like this concept (more $). I'd seriously consider consolidating windows... fewer but larger.

I too did most of the buiding myself, and it is simply a great deal of hard labor. It was a rewaridng experiece for me, but when I do it again I'll sub-contract more and leave some of the more challenging details for myself.

Have fun!

Earl Kelly
04-22-2005, 11:49 AM
Ernie, Looks like you left out something extremely important, Shop/Garage. Looks like you have your work cut out for you. Good Luck.