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View Full Version : Triplets - but not identical!

Kelvin Burton
11-11-2012, 11:16 PM
With the idea of making some Christmas gifts or items for sale I bought some "embellishments" from Craft Supply during one of their sales. Here's the results.


Three Potpourri boxes! The first is Spalted Sycamore, second is Osage Orange, third is Black Walnut. Sizes vary from 4" x 2 3/4" to 5" x 2 1/4". All three have a coat of Danish Oil, 1st and 3rd are lacquered, Osage is just buffed. Cracks in the Walnut are filled with brass key filings and CA Glue.

Quick and easy gifts to make, and the results are quite pleasing.

C&C welcome.

Dick Mahany
11-11-2012, 11:29 PM
Nice work ! I really like the first and third pieces for their color and form. The potpourri lids add a beautiful touch and are colorful. I made single one a year ago and these inspire me to do a few more. Nice post, make more and keep the pics coming!

Richard Jones
11-12-2012, 5:34 AM
I love that spalted sycamore, gotta be one of my favorite woods. And the curve on the walnut one is perfect, at least for me. I have a chunk of Osage Orange that I was going to make turkey calls from, but I think I'll do a piece as a paperweight.

Thanks for sharing, and thanks for the idea.

Dennis Ford
11-12-2012, 7:28 AM
I think I will try some of those, they look nice. The walnut and the sycamore are my favorites of the three. I would have preferred the burned line to be higher up on the Osage piece.

Russell Eaton
11-12-2012, 8:09 AM
The Spalted Sycamore is my favorite of the group. All of them are nice.

Steve Schlumpf
11-12-2012, 9:46 AM
Nice variety of woods and forms! I am sure they will be much appreciated as gifts! Nice work!

Jim Underwood
11-12-2012, 10:47 AM
Nice looking pieces. I've like those inserts, but I've always wondered if we could just make our own? There's no reason we couldn't pierce a wood top is there?

Bernie Weishapl
11-12-2012, 10:06 PM
Really nice pieces and nice variety of wood.

Thomas Canfield
11-12-2012, 10:59 PM
Nice looking pieces. Keep an eye on the OO and see if it has not darkened up as you travel South (or just with age). I agree with Dennis on burn line also. The brass on the walnut looks good - almost looks like liming wax on ash filling grain.