View Full Version : First Project on the New Lathe (WIP)

Nate Davey
11-11-2012, 8:01 PM
This is my first turning on the new lathe, and the first in 6 or so months. This is one of the blocks of maple burl that came with the lathe, unfortunately, the bottom 1/4 was too far gone. Here is the initial shape I'm going with, 7.5" x 11'ish. You can see the "gap bed". The gap can either be shortened or lengthened by the crank at the head stock end. The second pic shows the steady and the smaller of the two hollowing systems that came with the lathe.
I like this lathe a lot. I still need to add the sand to the head stock, but didn't notice when I was roughing out this out of balance blank. I'm not a huge fan of the banjo yet. I was watching Lyle Jamiesons channel on YouTube and noticed he had a Oneway banjo, so may look at that in the future.

Comments and criticism on the form greatly appreciated.

Steve Schlumpf
11-11-2012, 8:25 PM
Nate - too early to comment on the form at this point because you have a ways to go before you are finished. So far - so good. Just have fun with it! Looking forward to seeing the finished HF!

Nate Davey
11-11-2012, 8:37 PM
Thanks Steve, I left the bottom heavy for the hollowing.

Steve Schlumpf
11-11-2012, 8:41 PM
Figured as much... the important thing is that you have your lathe and are finally turning again! Enjoy it!!

Kathy Marshall
11-11-2012, 10:46 PM
Looks like a great start Nate! Have fun with your new lathe!

Russell Eaton
11-12-2012, 7:16 AM
After 6 months I can only imagine how happy you are to be making shavings again. Now go have fun with the new lathe. By the way, nice hollow form.

Harry Robinette
11-12-2012, 10:44 AM
Glad to see the new lathe up and running Nate. I think your going to have a ball with this little lathe you bought.

Tim Rinehart
11-13-2012, 1:15 PM
Nate, that looks great. Can't wait to see it finished, but what a great start. How's the speed range on that lathe anyway? I know there are lots of variation in the configurations of these lathes. That steady sure looks capable of some serious turning.

Nate Davey
11-13-2012, 8:40 PM

The data plate says 185rpm-2275rpm. I looked at the pics of Anatoly's lathe, and he has some significantly larger pulleys than mine. The steady is really stout. When I built my steady rest there in NC, I spaced the arms equidistant around the steady. This steady has the arms toward the left side of the hollow form which makes sense to me as that is where the force goes.

Thanks all for the comments.

Tim Rinehart
11-14-2012, 8:11 AM

The data plate says 185rpm-2275rpm. I looked at the pics of Anatoly's lathe, and he has some significantly larger pulleys than mine.

Yea, but high speed for him is 200 rpm.:p

Mark Hubl
11-14-2012, 11:46 PM
Good for you to have that new toy up and turning. Very cool lathe, look forward to seeing the finished form.

mike ash
11-15-2012, 8:46 PM
Nate - I've been in the road for past 3 weeks and hadn't picked up on the Nichols lathe!!! I'm impressed and jealous at the same time. How about some max swing info? I'm interested in how big a piece of cactus or mesquite you can hook up to that beast!!

Good Luck, Mike Ash

Nate Davey
11-15-2012, 9:04 PM

It's nice to hear from you. Over the gap bed I can do 46" and over the ways about 28". Total spindle length 78". Now I need to get some bigger tools. I 5/8" bowl gouge could take a while to get something roughed out.

Craig Parks
11-16-2012, 12:06 PM
Nate what lathe did you end up getting? I've looked back over older threads and couldn't find what you ended up with.

Nate Davey
11-16-2012, 6:49 PM
Craig, A Nichols lathe