View Full Version : Lie-Nielsen 'Hand Tool Event' (near Boston)

Carl Beckett
11-11-2012, 8:00 AM
For those interested. I received a notice of this event in the mail and hope to take advantage.

Nov 30 to Dec 1 in Beverly MA (Furniture Institute of MA hosting)

As close as I could expect for one of these. But a pretty dangerous type of thing to attend......

Jeff Bartley
11-11-2012, 9:11 AM
It is indeed dangerous to attend but well worth it! It's a great time to test drive every Lie-Nielsen tool and it's just amazing to see all the tools lined up. And the folks that put on these events are great! I couldn't recommend it enough!

Jim Koepke
11-11-2012, 11:52 AM
+1 on what Jeff recommends.

I have gone to a few of these. It has been my fortune to visit in three different locations.

Only once did I attend without the intent to purchase something. It is great to handle all the tools and see the offerings of other makers. Not sure if the east coast events will have the same makers as the west coast, but they should all be top quality tool makers.

If you are afraid of spending too much, leave all your credit cards at home. Only take cash with which you plan to part.


Dan Sheehan
11-11-2012, 8:08 PM
In my experience, these events are fantastic for speaking with and learning from some extremely accomplished guest demonstrators who will provide great instruction for free. Lots of opportunity to meet and exchange info with other event goers too. Your time will be well spent.

Your money is another matter. Remember, the LN staff are SALESMEN and their opinions should be weighed carefully since these shows are an important sales channel for the company. One of the regular guys from LN told me to put the vintage tools on the shelf where they belong and buy new LN. Although he made some interesting points in support of his position, I really did not agree with his pitch.

As good as their tools are, you should consider your investment carefully. I have a vintage Stanley block plane that required only a honing to equal my LN at one third the cost. I'm not making a broad comparison and I have nothing against LN products or customer service. Just ask around and make up your own mind before reaching for your wallet.


Steve Branam
11-14-2012, 7:23 AM
I'll be there both days demonstrating for SAPFM, using a mix of new and vintage tools. Here's my blog post on the last one in CT: http://www.closegrain.com/2012/10/lie-nielsen-hand-tool-event-at-cvsw.html. They're great fun, and a great opportunity to try out everything. Sure, it's a marketing event, but treat it as a learning opportunity. Salesmanship aside, the LN staff I've met are very knowledgeable. Put your hands to the tools and judge for yourself. In addition to the tools they always have various pieces lumber available to work on (in fact, usually much better stuff than I use for demos).

Carl Beckett
11-14-2012, 8:10 AM
To those wondering what 'sharp' is like, or what a hand plane properly tuned works like, this would be a great opportunity for it.

Chris Griggs
11-14-2012, 8:11 AM
Sorry for the hijack, but I figured a second "LN event" thread isn't necessary. Anyone, here going to make it out to the Philly one this weekend? I just went to my first one out at Hearne Hardwoods a few weeks ago, but that's not going to stop me from going to this one this Saturday. The last one was ever so much fun! In addition to the LN folks, Tico Vogts going to be demonstrating at this one...

Tom Winship
11-14-2012, 8:30 AM
For those preferring the warmer climes, there is also one the same weekend in Austin, Tx at Fine Lumber & Plywood.

Bob Warfield
11-14-2012, 5:11 PM
Just thought I'd throw out my two-cents worth, I've been to several LN tool events and the last 3 WIA events. Unlike some of the other venders the LN employees seem to genuinely care more that you actually work wood and do it corectly than who's tool you use to do it. I have never felt any pressure at all to buy their tools which in turn has turned me into a loyal customer.

Good Luck

Ryan Baker
11-15-2012, 10:30 PM
That's one temptation I don't have to worry about. There's no chance of LN ever coming to the Detroit area. The website, however, is an equal-opportunity tempter. :)

Chuck Saunders
11-16-2012, 8:44 AM
We host LN in March at our shop at the KC Woodworkers' Guild. I would say that they are the epitome of "soft sell". Just come to the show, play with the tools, talk to Deneb and the others, fall in love, drift into a dream state, and wake up to UPS pounding on your door with the tools you ordered.