View Full Version : Hello, a couple small projects

Timothy Mann
11-10-2012, 6:50 PM
I am a long time reader of the site, have mainly done flat work...china cabinets, cuboards, etc. I saw someone else make their first post with pics so thought what the heck I have nothing to lose. I know these arent great, sorry for the bad pics they were taken with my cell phone. The first one is an operating tool for our new wood stove, we picked it up on the local CL, its an absolutly beautiful ColeBrookDale Darby, but the guy we bought it froms fiance through the operating tool away not knowing what it was....so I headed out to the shop and made one myself, turned from Cocobolo, Ebony and afrikan Blackwood. The next is a small ring dish from Zapato Chico(sp?) that I made for my fiance. Please feel free to comment and critique, I have thick skin!!! Seriously any comments both postive and negative are welcome.

Allan Ferguson
11-10-2012, 7:18 PM
Those look pretty good to me. Crisp with good smooth finish. And I do not see any tear out. Welcome.

Bernie Weishapl
11-10-2012, 9:27 PM
I have to agree that both look good. Finish looks good. By the way welcome to SMC.

Jim Burr
11-10-2012, 10:18 PM
That's a fine job on both Tim...great spindle work on the stove tool. You may however find the ring cup to small...women seem to collect trinkets that allow these to be applicable!

Steve Schlumpf
11-10-2012, 10:49 PM
Timothy - Welcome to posting on this side of the Creek! Nice work on both projects! I really like the wood stove tool - very clean lines! How long you been turning?? Looking forward to seeing more of your work!

Timothy Mann
11-11-2012, 6:08 PM
Thank you for the very kind words, I know my work pales next to most all here. I started turning this past summer on a small lathe I picked up on the local CL. As I said most of my work has been flat work, but must say I love turning. The level of work here is amazing and I have been viewing it for about a year before joining. The couple of small things I have done prior to this post is either not worthy of posting, or has been given away as gifts. Will hopefully post more as I get the next project done, I saw in a very old post here of a cake platter that someone did, it inspired me to make one of my own, that is my current project...will post once finished.