View Full Version : Homemade go/no go gauge

Ryan Mooney
11-09-2012, 1:32 AM
Not a turning, but a tool.

Scribed, drilled, filed the center piece (simple enough).
Cut, drilled, tapped and bent the jaws. They have little wings bent over that drop into the slot on ether side of the machine bolt to guide them and hold them straight (well except the one I filed to much and need to re-do :o). The first set I made I rounded the corners off quite a bit, probably to much imho the second set somewhat less and I think they're better.

Works pretty well for rough sizing tenons quickly.

I may eventually relieve the jaws a bit before the entry point to make it less grabby (its not bad, but a little bit would help it some). The nice thing about them not being relieved and being fairly parallel is that its easy to check sizing cross ways by sliding them along the tenon.

Joe Bradshaw
11-09-2012, 11:16 AM
What a cool idea Ryan. I hope that you will not mind if I borrow it.

Kyle Iwamoto
11-09-2012, 12:08 PM
I make mine from scrap 1/8 ply. make an "H" shaped cutout, a big side and a little side for the max/min jaw opening. Make 2 for each size jaw, since I always misplace them.

Ryan Mooney
11-09-2012, 12:37 PM
@Joe: by all means feel free.

@Kyle: I was using scrap pieces of wood but was having problems with size creep as the wood wore. Plywood having some end grain to wear on may well work better.

allen thunem
11-09-2012, 1:54 PM
am i the only one who getting this concept??