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View Full Version : Boxelder Score!!

Jack Mincey
11-08-2012, 3:11 PM
I have been watching the burls on this tree grow for years now. It was located about half a mile from my home. The lot it stood on is being excavated to make faculty apartments for WCU. I made a deal with the guys excavating the lot to get this boxelder tree when they took it down. It cost me 3 turkey calls so I'm very happy. The flame red goes almost to the bark from end to end on this tree. There are two nice looking burls and several that might be usable. Should prove to keep me busy for the winter months for sure.
Jack Mincey

Jim Burr
11-08-2012, 3:44 PM
Sure hope you don't have to burn that this winter:eek:;) Great score Jack!!

Montgomery Scott
11-08-2012, 3:56 PM
Are you sure that's boxelder? Normally the wood is very light colored, being in the same genus as maples. This is very different from any boxelder I'm familiar with.

Ted Calver
11-08-2012, 4:03 PM
Nice haul, but I too wonder if it is really something else.

Rodney Walker
11-08-2012, 4:06 PM
I don't know, there may not be enough wood in there to replace the turkey calls...
Nice score!

Richard Coers
11-08-2012, 4:24 PM
Looks like siberian elm to me, but if you say box elder? The bark looks too thick for box elder. You'll be surprised how much smaller those burls get when you take off all that bark. A couple really nice burls, and the one in the lower pic almost looks more like a canker. Lots of fun ahead for you, congrats!

Gary Max
11-08-2012, 4:32 PM
You folks are right------that ain't Boxelder----nice big hunk of crotch wood.

Dave Mueller
11-08-2012, 5:20 PM
Whatever it is, it sure looks nice. Let us know what it looks like turned...

brian watts
11-08-2012, 6:16 PM
ELM is what i was thinking..

Donny Lawson
11-08-2012, 8:36 PM
I work with ALOT of Boxelder and that is not Boxelder. The bark is too rough and the color is totally the wrong color. Elm would be my guess. It is a very nice haul though. Slice it open and let's see what is inside.

Jack Mincey
11-08-2012, 9:01 PM
Thanks guy's. My mom has several box elder trees in her yard which I'm 100% sure of what they are. I have lived in around these trees for 52 years. This tree was only a mile from her house and as I said I've watched it for years and if it is a elm tree it is of a species that has maple tags and leaves shaped like that of a box elder tree. I will post more pictures as I cut it up.

Kathy Marshall
11-08-2012, 9:41 PM
Nice score Jack! That should keep you busy for awhile!

Richard Coers
11-08-2012, 9:59 PM
Thanks guy's. My mom has several box elder trees in her yard which I'm 100% sure of what they are. I have lived in around these trees for 52 years. This tree was only a mile from her house and as I said I've watched it for years and if it is a elm tree it is of a species that has maple tags and leaves shaped like that of a box elder tree. I will post more pictures as I cut it up.

Some leaf pictures would settle the ident. Box elder will have leaves directly opposite each other with jagged edges, and elm will have staggered leaves with sawtooth edges.

Baxter Smith
11-08-2012, 11:01 PM
A lot of color in that tree Jack! The burls don't look half bad either. Looks like a whole lot of good times from here!

Mark Hubl
11-09-2012, 12:54 AM
Mouthwatering hunk of wood. Can't say whether it is box elder or not my self, but the two box elders that were taken down my neighbors yard did have heavy bark. Prior to my turning days, dog gone! Nice haul.

Roger Chandler
11-09-2012, 6:21 AM
Geez.....if that is boxelder, then the whole tree must be the flame red..........not saying it is not.......a woodturner with Jack's years of experience......I would not bet against him, but that sure is a lot of red.........more than any boxelder I have ever seen for sure! It does look a lot like some elm I have on hand........I would like to see the figure in it when it is cut into blanks....probably can tell a lot more then.

Anyway, congrats on a nice haul of wood Jack.....ought to be some pretty stuff comes from that tree!