View Full Version : A Few Turnings

steven carter
11-08-2012, 9:36 AM
A couple platters/plates and a hollow form.

First is walnut crotch 11" with pyrography and carving on the rim. It developed a crack on the rim that looked too obvious when I had repaired it, and I remembered a platter that Baxter had done with carving and torching so I thought I would try it out. Thanks for the idea Baxter.

This is silver maple crotch 9" plate. This was going to be a large platter. I roughed out and left at over 1" thick, but it moved so much in drying that by the time I got it back to round, this is what I ended up with. First time with silver maple, next time will leave thicker.

Made this cherry HF back in the spring, tried to roll the bottom some, and then let it darken. it is 5.5" tall.

Mike Golka
11-08-2012, 12:33 PM
Good looking pieces

Scott Hackler
11-08-2012, 3:23 PM
Nice work Steven. The burned/carved edge looks nice. I also love the feathering in those plate/platters.

Jim Burr
11-08-2012, 3:43 PM
Those platters are just beautiful Steven!! Great turn and burn on the walnut!

Baxter Smith
11-08-2012, 11:16 PM
Nice looking platters Steven. I like the feather and the little detail between the burned and unburned area on the walnut one really makes it stand out.

Mark Hubl
11-09-2012, 12:31 AM
Nice work and saves on the pieces. The wood in the platters has some beautiful figure, very pretty.