View Full Version : just the basics

Steve bellinger
11-07-2012, 5:55 PM
Needed a turning fix.:D So this maple HF is what i came up with. Nothin special,just a old piece of maple i had sitting around for over a year, and decided it was time to put it to use. Not sure if it needs a finial,but had one sitting around that fit, so i'll show a pic of it with,and with out and let ya all decide if it should have one or not. Thanks and all C&C welcome.245066245067245068

Harry Robinette
11-07-2012, 6:58 PM
I think I actually like it without the finial, but with the finial it don't look bad ether,

Paul Williams
11-07-2012, 7:00 PM
I like it witht he finial. Nice match for one that was just sitting around. I'm going to think that you might have adjusted it a bit to follow the curve so well. Nice looking piece with or without the finial

Steve bellinger
11-07-2012, 7:11 PM
Paul no i really didn't adjust the curve on it.I just set it on there for the pic.Got luckly i guess.

Roger Chandler
11-07-2012, 7:18 PM
I like the finial with it Steve........nice work! The finial takes away from that big ole' hole in the side! :D

Steve bellinger
11-07-2012, 7:31 PM
I like the finial with it Steve........nice work! The finial takes away from that big ole' hole in the side! :DBig ole'hole:eek: what big ole'hole.:p:D LOL

Jim Burr
11-07-2012, 8:33 PM
Nice work bud!! Either way looks good!

Dennis Ford
11-07-2012, 8:42 PM
Nice looking HF, I don't think it needs a finial but agree that this finial fits really well. You won't go wrong either way.

Kathy Marshall
11-07-2012, 10:59 PM
Very nice Steve! I think it looks good either way.

Mark Hubl
11-07-2012, 11:19 PM
Nice form Steve, wood looks great. I like the piece with or without the finial. Nice job on the finial's form, well executed. And, it transitions nicely on the form. My only comment would be the size of the finial, to my tastes it would look better if it was a bit larger/taller.

Michelle Rich
11-08-2012, 6:17 AM
I like the middle picture..flowing color change and shows the lovely round shape

Richard Jones
11-08-2012, 6:55 AM
Ditto what Michelle said.

Also, what size is it?

Steve bellinger
11-08-2012, 7:05 AM
Thanks all. Richard it's about 6 1/2x 5, with 1/4 wall thickness.Michelle i like that middle pic my self, kinda why i added it.:)