View Full Version : How Would you do it?

Tom Winship
11-06-2012, 6:19 PM
Not sure this is the correct forum but you guys probably have some ideas. One of my sons has bought a sharks tooth fossil I think (see attached). My son wants me to make a display stand for him to give to his nephew (my grandson). Anyone have any ideas?

Jim Burr
11-06-2012, 6:30 PM
You could spin a cone shape, then saw a slot in the top to set the tooth (gum side?) in to. Shark tooth fossils seem to come in "black" and "white"...I have one of the big white ones. In any color...they are really cool!!

Robert McGowen
11-06-2012, 6:53 PM
I know you like segmenting, so make a segmented circle. Attach it to a base. Suspend the tooth in the middle of the circle. (think of a large magnifying glass shape with the glass removed, plus a base for the handle)

Tom Winship
11-06-2012, 7:45 PM
I like it, Grandpa. Would you make the circle barely larger than the tooth? I like yours as well Jim. I will start codgitating on these ideas.

Robert McGowen
11-06-2012, 7:57 PM
. Would you make the circle barely larger than the tooth?

I was thinking quite a bit larger than the tooth. If it is too small, the tooth won't be the centerpiece and it will all blend together. If it is larger, then the tooth will be centered and away from the "frame", so it will stand out more. Just my $.02

Leo Graywacz
11-06-2012, 8:02 PM
Make a small block and pour epoxy around it with the tooth in it.

Mel Fulks
11-06-2012, 9:34 PM
Unless it must be turned,I favor the old approach of a wood box with glass or plastic top and hand lettered old looking label .Several other empty boxes and case for all. Adult and official looking ,might encourage more collecting.

Dave Mueller
11-07-2012, 12:45 PM
The box is a good idea...just turn one.

Robert Vroman
11-10-2012, 3:46 AM
What about a 3 axis triangular box? The shape would compliment the triangular shape of the tooth inside. Then, as others have said, suspend it in epoxy inside the box. Of course this would not work if he wants to be able to see all sides of the tooth or to be able to handle it.

Rodney Walker
11-10-2012, 6:02 PM
IIRC craft stores sell round pieces of glass. They also sell domes for display purposes. It wouldn't be too hard to turn a box with a glass top, or buy a dome and make a custom base for it to display the tooth.

I wouldn't epoxy it. Too permanent. If I was a boy with a fossil shark tooth, I know I would want to be able to touch it. If it needs secured, I'd use something like elastic bands at the corners of the tooth. Easy enough to do and he can take it out when he wants.