View Full Version : New guy just saying 'Hi'

Shane Harris
04-21-2005, 1:08 AM
Hello everyone, I've been lurking here for a while and decided to finally introduce myself. I've been turning for a couple of years now, mostly bowls and such. I've been trying to get into hollow forms, but with spring comes lawn mowing and house remodeling (LOML handed me a three page honey-do list some time back. :eek: ) but I'm working on it.

Nice to meet ya'll,

Shane Harris

Karl Laustrup
04-21-2005, 5:55 AM
Welcome Shane.

It's always good to have a "newbie" wading in the "Creek".
Don't forget to share your projects. We like pictures. :D

Ernie Nyvall
04-21-2005, 7:25 AM
Welcome to the Creek Shane. I'm fairly new myself and there are a great bunch of very helpful and knowledgeable people here.


Gary Max
04-21-2005, 7:38 AM
Welcome to the Creek--- Shane. There are several members in your part of the world that spin stuff on a lathe. I am 120 miles south of Louisville Ky. If you ever need any help just give us a shout---someone will come up with a good answer. Just in case you missed it ---We like PICS.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-21-2005, 7:43 AM
Welcome to the Creek Shane! Neat place to trade information! Did anybody mention we like pics? :rolleyes: :D Again.......Welcome!

Jeff Sudmeier
04-21-2005, 8:36 AM

Ohh sorry about that... Welcome to the Creek Shane! You have joined a great forum. The people here are outstanding.

We are throughly looking forward to seeing PICS of your work.

I hope you enjoy your time here!

Mark Singer
04-21-2005, 9:38 AM
Welcome !! A lot of nice people here and they don't make much noise.

Shane Harris
04-21-2005, 4:23 PM
Well, thank you all for the warm welcome.
Since everybody likes pics so much (I do too), here's a link to pics of some of my bowls and goblets. It's not much, but it'll give ya an idea.


Thanks again guys,


Michael Pfau
04-21-2005, 7:56 PM
Welcome Shane glad to have you join us!

Alan Ryalls
04-22-2005, 4:36 AM
hi shane and welcome
regards alan

John Hart
04-22-2005, 7:00 AM
Hi Shane! Pretty new m'self. I like your turnings...you have a unique style. Very touchable...but then the pictures felt kinda flat and didn't have much texture.


Blake McCully
04-22-2005, 8:31 AM
Welcome to the Creek. Looked at you site. Neat stuff. One question though, how come you made the goblet so big :D , you probably need to try something a little smaller :eek:

Shane Harris
04-22-2005, 2:14 PM
Welcome to the Creek. Looked at you site. Neat stuff. One question though, how come you made the goblet so big :D , you probably need to try something a little smaller :eek:

LOL... Yeah, I've been asked where I got a dime so big. :rolleyes:
I did make another goblet that will fit inside of that one and a turned box w/ lid, but I haven't taken any pics of them yet.

Thanks for that kind words everyone. It really means alot.


Bruce Shiverdecker
04-22-2005, 8:00 PM
A little late, but Welcome to the Creek.

By the way...........Did anyone tell you "WE LIKE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



Jerry Clark
04-22-2005, 8:45 PM
WOW Shane, that is some nice turnings-- like the wings!:) Welcome to the Creek.