View Full Version : David DeCristoforo at SOFA

Jamie Donaldson
11-05-2012, 10:40 PM
David asked me to shoot his gallery display at SOFA, and I was disappointed to read show info that cameras were not allowed. I did make a recognizable image with my old Blackberry, yet saw many showgoers shooting with real cameras all day. I would have been more willing to shoot many more entries of turners I know if I had known the the rules are apparently not inforced.

Eric Gourieux
11-05-2012, 11:55 PM
It's great to see DD's pieces in one place like that. I remember some that he posted. What a talent.

David DeCristoforo
11-06-2012, 12:06 PM
Jamie, thanx so much for this photo. This is, so far, the only documentation of my stuff being at SOFA. Natsoulas did not even have my name on his list of represented artists and, being that he is primarily focused on ceramics, he is a kind of out of his element with wood. Plus, it was a bit of a last minute fling. I was packing my stuff in his crate while the guys were waiting to screw the top on and load it on the truck.

While I am flattered and pleased to have had my work at this show, I don't think any of them were sold. At least I have not been informed of any sales and Natsoulas will not be back in town until tomorrow. In truth, I am in a kind of "who am I kidding" phase right now. It's hard to look at these pieces and feel like they have any real value. If it were not for my apparent compulsion to "make something", I'm not sure I would continue to put this much effort into these things.

Bob Bergstrom
11-06-2012, 12:42 PM
I am sorry I missed your pieces. I remember seeing that dog but didn't catch the work on the wall. In the Chicago area we seem to be seeing more suspended pieces. Binh Pho And Alan Carter have been displaying this kind of work. It didn't seem like there was enough wood represented at this years show. It was advertised as the year of glass and there was a lot of glass there.

charlie knighton
11-06-2012, 7:28 PM
congratulations David, i like those shelves for display

is that a normal way to display items in the better galleries?

Jon Nuckles
11-07-2012, 11:33 AM

Your work is great. The SOFA crowd may not be the most likely to purchase turned items, but that is no reflection on your pieces. I missed SOFA this year because I was out of town, but I certainly would have made a point of searching your work out to view in person again.
