View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
11-05-2012, 9:18 AM
5 Nov 2012

Good Morning Everyone,
First of all I want to say that my thoughts and prayers are still out to all my right-coast friends, fellow woodworkers, and fellow countrymen. Many around here are sending support to the various places that have been hit hard. I know that our church has already sent $15K to the relief effort thus far.

Spent the weekend working around the house, getting the last of the firewood stacked, cleaned up, and got the woodstove seasoned for another heating season. I'm enjoying teaching myself how to play mandolin and boy is it ever a big change from playing bass guitar to moving to such a small fret board.!!!

I have orders for some wooden utensils and at least 6 of my end-grain cutting boards...so....looks like I'm going to be getting some shop time really soon now.

On another note, I've been working on losing weight and have lost over 30 pounds so far. I still need to lose another 40 pounds and I have to keep reminding myself that I'm in this for the long haul. Anyway, here's to a struggle that I've been fighting with for most of my life.

Well, that's it for me...so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.!!!!

Matt Meiser
11-05-2012, 9:25 AM
Saturday my wife and daughter took a bus trip to Chicago so I was left home along for about 17 hours. I did what any reasonable man would do in that situation and invited some friends over to cut, grind, and weld metal--we made 4 mobile bases by about 12:30. I messed around in the shop for a couple hours, ran to a friend's to pick up some parts, went to Home Depot, and then came home and made myself a nice steak and baked potato.

Sunday I was left home along again, but this time I started with the always exciting defrosting of the chest freezer and then moved on to installing the remaining trim in the kitchen. I managed to finish up about 2 minutes before they got home.

Rod Sheridan
11-05-2012, 9:30 AM
I went to Sarnia (about 300km from home) and winched a Hammer A3-31 into my brother's basement and set it up for him.............Rod.

David Hostetler
11-05-2012, 9:41 AM
Friday I took off, spent some quality time under my Saturn swapping out the alternator. Not a fun task on this car. Ripped into the dryer tested the components found a dead cycling thermostat, got the part, tested the new one, threw it in, still no heat. Said to heck with it. Finished getting the transmission cooler into the truck, it runs okay now. Needs ball joints I think. Getting a little loose up front.

Friday evening, while cleaning up the mess I made fixing the cars, I got fed up with the mess my tool box had become, and started digging into that. Not sure why I had baseballs, and golfballs in there, but out they came. Sockets went back on to their rails, etc... I still have a LONG ways to go, but I am getting MUCH closer now. The fasteners are going into the correct fastener drawers in my small parts bins, and chemical things going in their right slots. I am making progress...

I even found my old Plumb Barbara I picked up as a promotional item when I managed hardware stores in college at a Hardware show...

Saturday we still had the rental car, so we gassed up, and drove to Lake Charles La. Went to Isle of Capri Casino, played the penny slots for a while. No big deal, just having fun with the wife. Lost a total of about $20.00 in 3 hours. Went to Steam Boat Bills to find out that it's not quite Crawfish season yet (bummer). Oh well... So I got shrimp instead, and we drove back to League City...

Sunday I was bad. We listened to Pastor's service on the podcast, and went to the laundromat. Took at ran everything through, washed, and dried. now this was 2 weeks worth of laundry that was needing to get done, and we got every stitch of laundry we could find done. So yeah, it was a lot. We finished hanging clothes at around 10 P.M.

The airblown pumpkin with ghost, and the black cats are down, the witch is down, and all the halloweeen decor is shoved back in its totes, in it's place are giant inflatable turkeys, pilgrim hats, hay bales, and scarecrows.

I need to get the sheet rock going on to the walls this week, this should be another fun filled week!

Matt Berry
11-05-2012, 10:18 AM
Lets see, ran 3 new circuits from the basement to the garage, 2 x 15a 120v and 1 x 30a 240v. Built a clamp rack for all my F style bessy clamps = Cut a 1x4 and screwed it to the open 2x4 studs so that I could get all my F- style clamps out of the tote they've been packed away in for the last few years. Still need figure something out for all my spring clamps. This clamp rack is only temporary. I also wired and hung 3 out of the 4 shop lights I recently bought. I already know that I need to buy 4-6 more of these light fixtures. I raked up a bunch of leaves in the yard, attended the Michigan Association of Woodturners meeting, and took a moment to fire up the mitersaw, jointer and of course the dust collector, so I can now officially say I'm a woodworker again. I still have a lot to do, but that will have to wait until next weekend ;) It's amazing how "far behind" you can get when your shop had been packed away in storage for the last 5yrs.

Harold Burrell
11-05-2012, 11:04 AM
Saturday my wife and daughter took a bus trip to Chicago so I was left home along for about 17 hours. I did what any reasonable man would do in that situation and invited some friends over to cut, grind, and weld metal--we made 4 mobile bases by about 12:30. I messed around in the shop for a couple hours, ran to a friend's to pick up some parts, went to Home Depot, and then came home and made myself a nice steak and baked potato.

Sunday I was left home along again, but this time I started with the always exciting defrosting of the chest freezer and then moved on to installing the remaining trim in the kitchen. I managed to finish up about 2 minutes before they got home.

Dude...You are WAY too productive!

I'm going to do my dead level best to see to it that my wife never reads this post.


Richard Shaefer
11-05-2012, 11:56 AM
Friday night I got bored and went out into the shop to clean up a few Stanley 720 chisels I recently bought on FleaBay. the previous owner seemed to think that beating on the chisel with a rock somhow made it sharp, so it took a long time to reestablish the primary bevel and the get the back flat. Cable was out, so I polished the backs just to be sure that they were really flat. I don't know why I'm proud of this other than I guess I'm proud of how anal retentive I can be when I'm really, really bored.


Ryan Hellmer
11-05-2012, 12:16 PM
Saturday I changed the oil in the van and SUV and spent about 5 hours trimming all the bushes and mowing up all the leaves. Made a nice little bon-fire and went to the shop to "shuffle." I was hoping to get some machines moved to make room for a new acquisition. I stepped out of my shop to see my dying bon fire roaring back to life on one of my stacks of stickered lumber. Some quick work with shovels and a hose and the vast majority of my wood was saved (probably only 10%). Not proud of that one.

Sunday was church and errands (picked up some parts for my '53 GMC pickup) then home to finish one little section of yard cleanup. After that it was back to work on my pickup and some family time. After the kiddo went to bed I went out to get started tearing apart the wheels (to get the old split-rings rebuilt) finished up around 1:30 am only to find out that one of the wheels was a mis-match and won't be able to be rebuilt. Did I mention that I want this done by the 16th? Anywho, I think the crisis was averted and I'm heading out to pick up another wheel this afternoon. Too much fun.


Von Bickley
11-05-2012, 12:37 PM
5 Nov 2012

On another note, I've been working on losing weight and have lost over 30 pounds so far. I still need to lose another 40 pounds and I have to keep reminding myself that I'm in this for the long haul. Anyway, here's to a struggle that I've been fighting with for most of my life.

Best of weeks to you all.!!!!

What are you doing to lose that weight? I need to know........

Larry Fox
11-05-2012, 12:44 PM
While I was hoping to get some woodworking in this weekend, it was instead spent breaking up more large bolders in my yard. This weekend I managed to reduce one that has been troubling me for a while into pieces which I should be able to manage moving with a big come-a-long and some stout chain. Not the way I like to spend weekends for sure.

Joe Bradshaw
11-05-2012, 2:19 PM
I spent Sat. making some birdhouse ornaments. Sunday,I had bunch of friends over for burgers and beer and to witness me burning my mortgage. What a great feeling.

Dennis Peacock
11-05-2012, 2:45 PM
What are you doing to lose that weight? I need to know........

I'm using an app on my iPhone to help me with weight loss.....MyFitnessPal....works good as long as you stick to the guidelines and input your food every day. You can eat anything you want to eat....you just have to count it. In short, reduce your calorie intake slowly, and you will lose weight slowly...which is what you really want to do anyway. I've been on the "diet - gain, diet-gain" roller coaster most of my adult life. It just took me a LONG time to figure out how to go about this. :)

David Hostetler
11-05-2012, 3:13 PM
I'm using an app on my iPhone to help me with weight loss.....MyFitnessPal....works good as long as you stick to the guidelines and input your food every day. You can eat anything you want to eat....you just have to count it. In short, reduce your calorie intake slowly, and you will lose weight slowly...which is what you really want to do anyway. I've been on the "diet - gain, diet-gain" roller coaster most of my adult life. It just took me a LONG time to figure out how to go about this. :)

Sounds a lot like Weight Watchers. I have been doing that, and done well, as long as I stay on it. When I stray things go bad...

A recent health scare with some friends has got both LOML and I more serious about weight loss... Stick with the program, eat more fruit and veggies, fewer fats and grains and the weight comes off... Feels a lot better too.

Shawn Pixley
11-05-2012, 11:23 PM
I was to start a 2-1/2 week business trip last week. Super storm Sandy interferred with my travel for Sunday, so I got to come home for the weekend. Last week was about 70 hours working, so I took a low key weekend. Dog park Saturday and Sunday. I cut up driftwood with the chainsaw for disposal. Other small projects preparing for winter. LOML & I went to see Argoon Sunday night. Back to work Monday. Travel starts again later in the week, so I'll miss the santa anna's.

Patrick Grady
11-06-2012, 8:24 AM
Still cleaning up after the storm. I made some slings to move the beehives onto a cart and return them to their original stands. A neighbor helped me move them into flood and wind -protected places before the storm but I decided to devise better ways of singlehanding them in less hurried conditions. Individual hive boxes are easily maneuvered but moving the stack of heavy unwieldy boxes is a whole different business as the bees get very salty when their house is jostled. I was determined to not tweak an old back injury and things went well and the bees are now in good winter positions. Cleaned boats and winterized motors. I enjoyed reading this entertaining thread.