View Full Version : Sharpening a Raffan radius skew

Bill Dempsey
11-04-2012, 1:46 PM
Just got a 1 inch Raffan radius skew. I've got a tormek and the proper jig, but can't seem to make either of the recommended set ups repeat anything close to the factory grind. Hope someone can steer me to a repeatable set up.

Jack Mincey
11-04-2012, 2:20 PM
The 10" wheel of the tormek would make it impossible to repeat the grind on the skew since it was most likely ground with a 8" wheel originally. This being said I have a tormek and won't use anything else on my gouges. I find it not to be as good on scrappers and skews. I prefer to use a slow speed dry grinder for skews and scrappers. Adjust the platform at a step enough angle so that the ground edge of the tool is hit from the flat of the tool to the cutting edge. I than press the tool down onto the rest and pivot it on the rest until the side is sharp. Than flip it and repeat. I then hone a skew with a diamond hone and use the tormek leather wheel with compound to put a razor edge on the tool.
Good Luck,

Bill Dempsey
11-04-2012, 3:20 PM
Thanks for the quick response. My skew has no hollow grind, very flat from mfg. I've ground a flat skew in the manner you mention, I suppose I could get the platform angle right and play with rotating the skew around its long axis while grinding. As the tormek is a "set and repeat" machine, I'm trying to find that knowledge.

Kyle Iwamoto
11-06-2012, 3:55 PM
The SVS-50 should be able to grind a radius on the skew. It may not exactly duplicate the Raffan grind, but it can do the radius. Check the Tormek site, they have a video clip on how it works.