View Full Version : Safe Salad Bowl Finish?

George Octon
11-03-2012, 2:49 PM
What I want to know is what is safe when you use something for food and why. I realize that vinegar is an acid, so could it break down the finish and cause a problem? I am specifically dealing with the Minwax Antique Oil finish. If the finish is completely cured, do you think the oil and vinegar could break it down enough to make it a problem? I could see that maybe it could but I still wonder. Vinegar would only be half at most of a salad dressing. Of course, then you might have salt and pepper and garlic and hot peppers, so what do you think? And is there a definitive answer to this question?

Jason Roehl
11-03-2012, 2:51 PM
Consensus is that all cured finishes are food safe, short of lead paint and the like.

Jay Jolliffe
11-03-2012, 2:58 PM
They make a salad bowl finish....I've used it on cutting boards & it worked fine. The more coats the glossier it gets. On a salad bowl you wouldn't want to many coats I would think....If they're for you check them every so ofter & do another coat when needed.....Like I said never used it on bowls so maybe someone else will help you out.

Scott Holmes
11-03-2012, 2:59 PM
On a salad bowl, a film formimg finish would be better. Oil/varnish blends don't provide as much moisture resistance.

And yes all finishes sold in the USA are food safe once they have cured, ~30 days.

Edit: the salad bowl finish Jay talks about is a film forming finish. They charge more for it because they say "food safe".

George Octon
11-04-2012, 9:58 AM
Thank you, good to know that the cured finish is okay. I didn't want to spend for "salad bowl finish".