View Full Version : New handles for an old plane

steven c newman
11-03-2012, 2:33 PM
I had a Craftsman #4 plane that was in need of a new front knob244677and while I was at it, maybe a new tote?244678 so, I got out some Black Walnut scrap that was just laying around the shop, and chucked up a blank on the lathe244679cut it loose, drilled it for the bolt. The tote took a bit longer, and involved the drill press and bandsaw..244680244681 I also had a small drum sander for the drill press, and used that to shape the tote. Knob was sanded on the lathe to about 220 grit, or so.

End of "part one"..

steven c newman
11-03-2012, 2:44 PM
Part two:: Took a test fit or two to get the knob to fit just right. I had to counter bore for the brass end on the bolt..244682and, when I sawed the base of the tote off, on the mitersaw, I kept the wedge. That way, I could counter bore for the brass nut in the top of the tote AT the correct angle. Gave it a test fit to set the second "hole" in the bottom of the tote. More of a pimple than a hole. I pressed down hard to mark the spot, and gave the mark a shot of 1/4" drill bit. Another test fit..244683or two244687then a few coats of BLO as a finish..244688 just a nice, quiet evening in the shop....

steven c newman
11-05-2012, 1:34 PM
This Craftsman plane is a #4 size, but with a very thick casting for the base. Maybe a #4H??? Brass bolts had been plated a silver colour, cleaning revealed that they were solid brass. So, why not show them off a bit? Frontknob matches the old knob exactly. Grain direction and all. Tote matches my hands. Mine are a bit large, and "Uncle Arthur has been busy on the fingers. Adjusting wheel is a silver colour, as well. Does not seem to be brass. Lateral is like a Stanley "Budget line", or just a Sargent clone??? Lever cap has the letter "O" on the underside. This is one heavy #4!!! Like that red frog???

Jessica Pierce-LaRose
11-05-2012, 8:37 PM
The front knob looks a little narrow for my tastes - how's it feel in use?

Sometimes I question some of the planes you put the effort into, but it's nice to see these old guys working again.

You must have quite the collection at this point! I don't know where I'd put that many planes!

steven c newman
11-06-2012, 9:08 PM
Front knob was copied directly from the original knob. I used it as a pattern while i turned the new knob. Seems to feel alright on the hand. Tote was altered a bit to better fit MY hands. May get a third coat of BLO on each, then maybe a final finish? Turning those knobs turned out to be fun, looking forward to the next set of handles.

I tend to keep the "Herd" from getting too large. Only have ONE #8, one #7, two #6, and two #5s. Throw in a few #3s, #4, and a #5A. Block plane herd is in the middle of "Donwsizing" right now. Trying to get back to just six or seven "good" ones, out of a Baker's Dozen of these little guys. The #8 and #7 may go on the Ebay, as i like my #6s better.

Adam Neat
11-06-2012, 9:21 PM
Getting fatter at the top the tote almost has a "Corsair" type of look to it, minus the finger grooves, very nice