View Full Version : Cocobolo Bowl

Dave Mueller
11-02-2012, 9:47 AM
I have posted comments about tools on the Creek, but never any turnings. So, I thought I'd break tradition and post a recent cocobolo bowl that was in the instant gallery at SWAT. Critiques are welcome - I am always happy to learn from others...


Bernie Weishapl
11-02-2012, 10:35 AM
Dave that is a beauty as is the wood. Really like the simple form.

Barry Elder
11-02-2012, 10:59 AM
You have done that piece of Cocobolo proud! Beautiful wood, beautiful bowl! Glad you are not sensitized!!

Jim Burr
11-02-2012, 2:16 PM
Great looking bowl Dave. My only complaint is not knowing enough about it...size, finish, what it's goiing to hold; Ice cream, mixed nuts, carmel corn...you know, the usual stuff.

Dave Mueller
11-02-2012, 2:42 PM
Bernie, Barry and Jim, thanks for the comments. Jim, good question, thanks for catching my omission. It is pretty small - 4" diameter, 2" high, a little under 3/32" at the rim and 1/8" near the bottom. I was limited by the cocobolo that was available. The finish is BLO and then BLO/CA on top, both done on the lathe. Right now it is sitting on the coffee table...probably too small to hold anything. Cocobolo sure is fun to turn (as long as you are not sensitive to it) and it really finishes nice.

Scott Lux
11-02-2012, 2:50 PM
Simply beautiful.

David DeCristoforo
11-02-2012, 6:08 PM
Cocobolo has long been a favorite of mine. This is a great illustration of why. The wood is alive! This "simple" bowl really shows it off. Well done!

Mark Hubl
11-02-2012, 6:48 PM
It is a nice bowl, coco is always a winner. Glad I am not allergic to it yet.

Donny Lawson
11-02-2012, 10:10 PM
Beautiful bowl. That's some great wood.

Steve Schlumpf
11-03-2012, 12:42 AM
Dave - that is a really good looking bowl! I like the form - especially the way the walls slant inward! Beautiful wood! Hope this means you will start posting some more of your work - you obviously have been holding out on us!!

Dave Mueller
11-03-2012, 11:19 AM
Thanks for the comments, everyone. I gather from them that sensitivity to cocobolo is more widespread than I thought. I got a large piece because the prior owner was hyper sensitive. At least for me, so far, so good. Steve, I'll start posting more.