View Full Version : Staining from metal in tree

kevin nee
10-31-2012, 7:13 AM
I recently got hold of some large butternut (over 24") I cut it up and put it away, and there was a piece
with staining from metal in the tree. (BLACK) I decided to mess with this piece (20 inch platter)
The staining was deeper than I had ever seen. My question is has anyone ever used the black staining
as an enhanchment on projects or should I just burn it and grab another piece.
Thanks in advance, Kevin

Steve Schlumpf
10-31-2012, 7:41 AM
Kevin - I have turned a few pieces that had staining from metal and I just left the stain in place. To me it is adds additional character to the end product.

Tim Rinehart
10-31-2012, 8:13 AM
Kevin, like Steve said...to me, it's a natural enhancement that adds to most pieces. Generically, it's called 'mineral staining'. I guess it's like anything else, personal taste and all. I've got some walnut and some poplar blanks both in drying mode to be peppermills someday, each has some some interesting dark purple/blackish stains from a nail at some point in it's life.
Do you have a pic of it, I'm sure we'd like to see it.

Richard Jones
10-31-2012, 8:34 AM
I'm with Steve, use it as an accent. A mystery as to what caused it could be a good selling point?

Dave Fritz
10-31-2012, 8:50 AM
I had a natural edge cherry bowl with a big black stain. I took it to a market and it was the first sold. Surprised me.

Dave F.

jared herbert
10-31-2012, 9:15 AM
I got a big ash log that was full of fence wire. Most of it was unusable because there was just too much metal in it. I did turn one 14 inch bowl that had a hole about 1/4 inch diameter where I pulled the wire out of it and a large blackened area around it. It looked really nice when I got done with it. Jared

Bernie Weishapl
10-31-2012, 11:06 AM
I agree to leave it as a enhancement.

Dale Winburn
10-31-2012, 3:42 PM
I've turned several bowls and pepper mills from the "Stonewall" Jackson Prayer Tree (white oak) with black metal staining. Check my website for some photos.

I think it enhances the piece.


George Guadiane
10-31-2012, 4:21 PM
I collected some honey locust a few years ago. The tree came down on a Lenox Mass Inn property.
The staining was dark, and on the lemon chiffon yellow and pink wood, it makes a STRIKING contrast. I'll be using it to make boxes and small hollow forms. The stain running down the length of the pieces will add an excellent accent, I think.

Norris Randall
10-31-2012, 10:26 PM
Take a look at one of Marilyn Monroe pictures.
She had a mole on her face.
I think they called it "beauty mark"
Sooo.. just think of the black staining as a "beauty mark"

brian watts
11-03-2012, 8:54 PM
around here we call it bleeding. i have found nails in trees and were it was at there will be a very good stain there ..