View Full Version : Not your Grandmother's Christmas ornament

Jason Clark2
10-29-2012, 5:37 PM
Every year my club does an ornament exchange at our holiday party. Every year I try to do something completely different. This is my ornament for 2012.

244351 Madrone burl & Ziricote. The body is one piece of Madrone burl, the technique used is probably familiar to some of you. For those that aren't familiar the form of the body is exactly as it came off the lathe. No cutting, carving, gluing, or anything else is necessary. The cap and icicle are attached later.
244352Bottom view. The technique is actually very simple if you know the trick. It results in a form with 3 sides on the bottom and 3 sides on the top, each offset 180 degrees.


Jim Burr
10-29-2012, 6:08 PM
Ha!!! That's great Jason!! My only C is thin out the finial a bit. Really cool idea!

Jay Jolliffe
10-29-2012, 7:58 PM
Care to tell use who don't know how it was done how you did it...

Jason Clark2
10-29-2012, 8:03 PM
It's a cube, turned on the bias (point to point).

Bernie Weishapl
10-29-2012, 9:16 PM
Unique and interesting piece. I agree the finial could be thinner.