View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
10-29-2012, 9:41 AM
29 Oct 2012

Good Morning Everyone,
Just came off of oncall duty for the day job. I'm glad it is over and I'm really glad it wasn't a bad one. Now it's time to recover a bit and mentally wind down.

This morning, my thoughts and prayers go out to all of my woodworking friends along the east coast. Prepare and be safe to all of you.!!!

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

David Hostetler
10-29-2012, 10:08 AM
I spent Friday afternoon at home insulating the wall I just had power run to in the shop. Got it all done before dinner time. I have the divider wall between the doors left to do, and the opposing wall... In the process, I marked the location of the studs on the ceiling so that I can facilitate hanging stuff on the wall better when I get to that point. I also clearly marked the height of the wiring, and installed nail blocks.

Saturday I felt pretty bad, not sure how to explain it, just a lot of stomach issues. I was feeling okay but was woken up by s pretty bad pain in my gut, back, and chest. I thought I was having a heart attack. I had LOML take me to the ER, where they checked me all out, my ticker's fine, but I have something called "gastritis". The pain radiates out of my stomach, shoots clear through to my back and then goes up into the chest. There are a lot of very bad things going on at work, mass layoffs that sort of thing, so we are figuring it is stress related. Doc gave me a prescription, but also gave me an ultra bland diet to follow. No coffee, nothing spicy. For 2 weeks and then I go back for a checkup...

Funny thing is, when I am working on, or working IN the shop, I am totally not stressed out... Sort of like when I am fishing or hunting. The success is in being there enjoying myself... So the doc says to spend time doing activities that I find stress reducing... I guess that means I just got a prescription for shop time?

Jamie Lynch
10-29-2012, 10:50 AM
I went to work for a little OT, then managed to get the gas logs working in time for my wifes dad and grandma came over for dinner. Sunday Church then family time. My mom had me come over to see what was wrong with her quilting machine light, just a faulty switch. I spent the evening weeding out the grass that had taken over the front garden bed and just had enough time to start hanging my air cleaner in the shop. Slowly but surely we're making this new house a home.

Keith Westfall
10-29-2012, 7:40 PM
Our daughter and family moved about 700 km (7 hour drive)away a couple of weeks ago, so came over a couple days ago to install shelves, cupboards, and everything else that is needed after a move. First time they have been move than 15 minutes away since the grandchildren came along - 15 years - going to take a bit of adjusting I think. :(

Shawn Pixley
10-29-2012, 9:37 PM
This weekend I did the normal dog park / shop thing. I tried to enjoy it as much as possible. I work 20 of the next 21 days, so I took my pleasure where I could. For my friends on the east coast, stay safe!

Matt Meiser
10-29-2012, 9:56 PM
Took Thursday and Friday off originally to do the backsplash tile but then we were able to work it out for a pro to do it this week. Thursday I replumbed the sink due to a leak in one of my fittings, getting an estimate for shocks on my truck, and picking up a Kapex. Friday I ran a bunch of door jambs for my mom and dads remodel. They are taking two rooms on the first floor of their 1860-s era house and building a master suite. Can't match the trim off the shelf so I volunteered to make it. Also started on wings for my Kapex documented elsewhere. Saturday errands with the family, lunch with my dad and brother, and a 4-H Halloween party. Sunday finished the Kapex wings and mowed one last time.