View Full Version : Posting Shop Pictures

Richard Wolf
04-19-2005, 9:10 PM
Just trying to get some shop pictures posted.


Dave Avery
04-19-2005, 9:17 PM
Ok, I'm jealous.... nice looking equipment, Richard.

Jim Becker
04-19-2005, 9:36 PM
It worked! Definitely shop pictures! (nice shop and tools, too...)

Bruce Page
04-19-2005, 9:43 PM
Nice shop Richard! I haven't seen that kind of lathe before, is it a MM? What is the footage & ceiling height? It looks tall & big! (jealous)

Richard Wolf
04-19-2005, 9:48 PM
Bruce, yes the lathe is a MM T124 copy lathe, I build stairs and install railings and use it to copy balusters. The shop is about 2000 sq. ft. but that includes an office, show room and storage. The ceilings are 10'.


lou sansone
04-19-2005, 10:32 PM
shop looks good. lots of room. man I wish I had a little more space, but I would probably find a way to fill it up.


Richard Wolf
04-20-2005, 7:59 AM
Lou, from the looks of your shop, you already have everything!!


Jim Young
04-20-2005, 9:58 AM
Leaf springs next to the sander, hmmm, makes you wonder.

Nice collection of powertools. I am still bucking for the Grizzley OSS. How do you like the Shop Fox drum sander, may be a little overkill for my home shop but I'm still thinking about it.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-20-2005, 10:23 AM
Richard ....you successfully post pictures and filled a shop! :) Nice tools! Nice to see some sawdust around tools too! Means they are being used! :D

Jason Tuinstra
04-20-2005, 10:43 AM
Richard, nice looking shop. Among the nice looking tools you have there, looks like you have some nice figured lumber on the rack as well. Any plans for it?

Richard Wolf
04-20-2005, 4:25 PM
I am still bucking for the Grizzley OSS. How do you like the Shop Fox drum sander, may be a little overkill for my home shop but I'm still thinking about it.

The Grizzly OSS is a great machine. It was still $500 when I purchased it. Its a lot of machine for $500. The Shop Fox drum sander was a replacement for the delta 18 - 36 drum sander which I never found very useful for the money I spent on it. The shop Fox is new but it works very well and I think I will get alot of use out of it.


Richard Wolf
04-20-2005, 4:28 PM
Among the nice looking tools you have there, looks like you have some nice figured lumber on the rack as well. Any plans for it?

Well the cherry I always try to keep some in stock, under the cherry is some very nice 9/4 black walnut which I purchased to build a Sam Maloof style rocker which I plan on starting very soon.


Jeff Sudmeier
04-20-2005, 4:57 PM
Richard your shop looks great! You have a shop full of tools that will last for a LONG time.