View Full Version : Maple and Walnut segmented vase, dyed red: Retirement gift.

Joe Watson
10-28-2012, 2:39 AM
Hello all... posted here awhile back... not much time for woodworking, flat or spinning but a woman i work with just retired (she was my boss about 16 years ago for a short time) who is a great person so i wanted to make her something.

First time working with any kind of dye.

First tried this one (all rings are maple except for the zig-zag) but messed up with the zig-zag (cant really see in image, but there was bad alignment and acouple of the walnut strips became different thicknesses (think when i lamineted it up i screwed up, didnt clamp evenly)) and didnt feel right giving it as a retirement gift (ended up giving it to a neighbour).


So i made a second - "twisted" the maple and walnut (you can see them dry stacked in the right of the image above) just to see what would happen after it was dyed... end result it came out pretty good... there are some goofs and alittle bleed through with the black dye sandwiching the center band, but all in all, was pretty happy and she like it. We work different shifts so i was not there when she first seen it (left it on her desk as a suprise), but i guy who worked with her said she had tears in her eyes... so that cool.


Forgot to measure it (put the final coat of Wipe On Poly the night before) - was cutting it real close on the "dead line".

For anyone new... a quick little brake down on how i did it (and for those who have been around, any tips would be great :) )...
There was around 16 "hands on" hours and took around a week and a half to do, roughly 125 peices - depending on how you count the zig-zag ring.
- Glued most of the rings "the half ring style" (gluing the peices to create a half ring first (then only had to do light sanding by hand at the center joint).
- Assembled from the bottom up to the "band ring" then turned the inside
- Hotglued the top ring on a waist block and then assembled from the top down and turned the inside
- Put the bottom half on the spindle and with a 1"-8 taper adaptor for the tail stock mounted the top and then glued the top and bottom togeather.
- Turned the out-side
- Sanded to around 400 (maybe that should have been around 220 for the dye ????)
- Dyed (that general dye stuff - no mix, work strait from a can, two light coats) Should have left it at one so the walnut showed better....
- Light coat of Bulls eye shellac
- Two or three coats of Hardwood Floor waterborne poly, sanding 320-400 between coats.
- About 5-8 coats of Wipe On Poly "sanding" with gray scotch pads inbetween.
- Last coat of WOP sat for around 10 hours then did a quick wipe of Renaissance Wax on my way out the door.
Had no (cure) time to really buff it and ive never buffed before so i thought the wax would be the best.

Anyway, thought i would share....
Take care...

Doug W Swanson
10-28-2012, 7:40 AM
I think both pieces look great. The twist looks really good and I also like the little wave in the center. It's subtle but doesn't take over the vase....

Bernie Weishapl
10-28-2012, 9:45 AM
Those both look great. She is going to love it. Really nice finish and dye job.

Jim Burr
10-28-2012, 1:02 PM
That dye really sets it off Joe, and with that glass finish...looks like candy!!