View Full Version : Nylon Hammers

Bruce Branson
04-19-2005, 12:41 AM
For any of you who use nylon hammers to adjust your woodies I purchased a very nice one at a place in Delaware called E.B. Fitler & Co. There main business is metal working supplies and they carry many types of hammers.The nylon one I have has double replaceable faces with a ash handle. I had it shipped to me with two replacement faces for less than 20$.There phone # is on there internet site.This type comes in 7/8 and 1 1/6.http://www.fitler.com/ham.html

Brian Buckley
04-19-2005, 9:20 AM

I could not find E.B. Filters web site. Do you have the URL?



Tony Zaffuto
04-19-2005, 9:26 AM
You could also try your local Sears. They have a very decent hammer--one side nylon, with the other rubber. I believe they also come in two different weights, and are American made!

Brad Knabel
04-19-2005, 10:10 AM
Brian -
I found the site at:

www.fitler.com (http://www.fitler.com)

Unfortunately it doesn't look like they list prices. They have some nice looking stuff though.

Bruce Branson
04-19-2005, 10:19 AM
http://www.fitler.com/ham.htmlThey give you the prices when you call them.

Michael Perata
04-19-2005, 1:38 PM
I use that style hammer for planes and chisels.

Stanley makes a similar one and some local hardware stores carry them.

Alan Mikkelsen
04-19-2005, 2:53 PM
I carry an 11 oz Vaughn on the side of my apron and use it for everything. One side is a rubber face, the other a nylon face, metal head. I use the nylon for chisel work, the rubber for fitting. I don't remember where I got mine, but I've seen them at the large box stores. It's a perfect size for what I use it for.