View Full Version : downdraft table, grizzly models work good?

eugene thomas
10-18-2012, 12:15 PM
I recently purchased a dylos air monitor, when running sanding stuff really gets the reading into the high ranges. thinking a downdraft table might need to be the next tool to come into the workshop. Thinking of getting the grizzly H2936 downdraft table and wondering if anyone that has grizzly model downdraft table can let me know how they like it..

thanks Eugene

glenn bradley
10-18-2012, 4:17 PM
Do you get high readings when using a vac attached to the sander? I used to go with a downdraft but, a vac hooked to the sander not only sucks up the dust it makes but picks up anything nearby as I go past as well . . . at least visually. I wonder if it is just my perception(?).

David Warkentin
10-23-2012, 11:07 AM
My fil has a grizzly dd. I will have to ask him how he likes it.

Ashwini Kaul
10-23-2012, 11:33 AM
I have a griz downdraft... have used it once since I run the Festool ROS/vac!

For smaller hand sanding jobs, I just put a mask on, switch on the JDS air filter.... much faster and efficient. I will check with the Dylos hooked up though, how the reading look with both approaches.

richard poitras
10-23-2012, 10:36 PM
Eugene, Matt has a nice looking one in the tool and swap section right now for $200.00 you may want to take a look?

Matt Meiser
10-23-2012, 11:13 PM
It's definitely nice for hand sanding, but don't go too small or it will lose some convenience. The one I have for sale is 2x2, wish I would have gotten the 3x3 .for the bigger stuff I tend to build.

And someone is coming to look at it tomorrow and someone else is interested if he doesn't take it.

eugene thomas
10-24-2012, 9:55 PM
I took delivery of the grizzly down draft table today. went back and forth on getting this now or a festool sander. decieded to go this rought because building new work bench and shop cabinets and wanted to have a sanding area set up..