View Full Version : Fruit Bowl

Kathy Marshall
10-18-2012, 12:23 AM
Since the heart I turned looked more like an apple, I decided to turn some companions. All are turned from soaking wet rainbow poplar. The cherry stems were made by cutting off a couple of slivers from the poplar cutoff, then I used a knife to carefully shave them to shape. The apple and pear stems are walnut. I turned the bases (which I used to hold them in my pin jaws) then turned the rest to a cylinder about 1" diameter. I then took it out of the chuck and used my foredom tool with a medium burr to carve them to shape. I just gave them a coarse sanding so they'd have a bit of texture, then painted them with black gesso.
I think I'll do a few more pieces of fruit, including more cherries.
Thanks for looking!
Comments and critiques are welcome.

John Kent
10-18-2012, 1:43 AM
Looking good Kathy, I think when you get done with this project it is going to look great on your kitchen table. It should make for good conversation when friends and family are over.


Michelle Rich
10-18-2012, 7:31 AM
great fruit..luv the stems

thomas prusak
10-18-2012, 8:46 AM
Super work Kathy..... Love it!

Doug W Swanson
10-18-2012, 9:21 AM
Those turned out great, Kathy! Is there anything you can't do?:D

Scott Lux
10-18-2012, 9:53 AM
Those turned out great, Kathy! Is there anything you can't do?:D

I agree with Doug. Those are great and there seems to be no limit to your ability.

Bernie Weishapl
10-18-2012, 10:00 AM
Those look great Kathy.

Eric Gourieux
10-18-2012, 11:08 PM
Nicely done, Kathy - both the turning and the carving

Kathy Marshall
10-18-2012, 11:15 PM
Thanks everyone!
I guess as someone said in another thread, I'm going to have to try to turn and carve a banana to make the set complete :eek:

John, they may grace someone's table but it might not be mine.

Doug and Scott, there's lots that I haven't tried and plenty that I don't do well but I'll keep trying ;).