View Full Version : Dunce Cap for me!!

Ed Breen
04-18-2005, 12:50 PM
There is never a time when you are too old to make a mistake. Yesterday I was in the shop trimming a 4"x4"x1/2" piece of butternut. I said to myself, i'll use the BS which was about 15 feet away. When I turned from the bench, there sat the TS and I decided to save the steps. Buzz goes the saw and I guide the small piece of wood through the blade untill its has all trimmed out. Then, like an idiot I thought "well I'll just pick it up." Of course, the carbide teeth disagreed with me! A 5 hp saw can really rocket a chunck of wood. I have never been hit so hard in the solar plexus!! What a large black and blue bruise wiuth a small abraion that bled just a bit. Yeah, the dummy was right behind the blade and right in line.
Never too old to foul up. Took me a while to get over the fright and be thankful that when I lifted the piece I did not tilt it upwards.

Jim Becker
04-18-2005, 1:08 PM
'Glad you were not hurt more seriously, Ed.

In retrospect and for folks "new to the sport", that's a very small piece of wood which also puts your hands way too close to the blade...a push block lets you move the piece all the way past the blade and your splitter to the back of the saw surface. The push block also lets you use down-force to keep the piece on the table.

Alan Tolchinsky
04-18-2005, 1:11 PM
Kickbacks are no fun and I'm glad you weren't hurt worse.

Jeff Sudmeier
04-18-2005, 2:08 PM
Glad to hear you weren't hurt worse! I posted my "almost" accident a while back.

I like to read these posts, keeps everyone careful. However, I would prefer that we always remembered to be safe, but we don't :)

04-18-2005, 2:23 PM
I did the same thing a few months ago. Only mine was using a push stick to knock a small cutoff out of the way.
Look out, Chris Padilla will ask you to post a pic of your bruise (or has he learned from seeing mine?) :eek:


Keith Christopher
04-18-2005, 3:05 PM
Wow, so glad you were no hurt more seriously. Takin it on the front can cause some major internal injury, glad you're ok. lesson learned I bet


Bart Leetch
04-18-2005, 5:22 PM
You have a good case for a set of grippers. :eek:

Ed Breen
04-18-2005, 6:31 PM
Hey Folks

You are all right on target. What hurts more than the injury is the embarassment. All of the safety precations, push stick, grippers are hanging right on the frame within easy reach. From now on it's slow down and keep my pride whole!!

Alan Turner
04-19-2005, 6:25 AM
Good reminder for all to see as I hope these sorts of posts will keep me (and all of us) from being sloppy. Glad your injuries were not more serious.

Kelly C. Hanna
04-19-2005, 8:38 AM
Ouch....I love my Gripper...keeps this kinda thing from happening.