View Full Version : wounded finger and all but its finised

Rian de Bruyn
10-14-2012, 3:22 PM
a CD/DVD cabinet made from OLD ( +- 100 years) oregon floor boards
Sorry i do not know how to rotate a photo after its posted

Andrew Pitonyak
10-14-2012, 8:35 PM
Looks very nice....

How did you shape the top piece?

What finish did you use?

Is it rude for me to ask questions that require typing with your injured finger?

Randy Gillard
10-14-2012, 9:52 PM
Very nice. You should have put a dab of blood somewhere visible on the piece as a memento of your near miss and sacrifice for the craft.:)

Rian de Bruyn
10-15-2012, 5:35 AM
the top was shaped with paint cans and a webber bb lit
the finishis wooddoc 10 ( made in south africa ) it is a polywax - www.wooddoc.co.za
typing is fine it is cutting steak that is not so nice HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Rian de Bruyn
10-15-2012, 9:10 AM
sorry it is www.woodoc.com