View Full Version : Matching a Rail and stile profile

Mike Metz
10-14-2012, 12:45 AM
Ive been looking all around to try and find a matching profile for a rail and stile for a door. these are the only pictures i have. does anyone have any idea what this profile is called or where to find it??
Also any idea what type of wood or stain is used? i believe its maple.. but im not 100% sure
thanks in advance!

Carl Beckett
10-14-2012, 7:10 AM
Can't help on the profile, but my cabinets are pretty close to this finish and they are a stained maple.

Cary Falk
10-14-2012, 11:23 AM
If it is a cove on a bead then I think it is called classical. I have one but can't rind a name or number on it and don't remember where I got it. I has been a couple of yeras but I might still have the paperwork.

Jamie Buxton
10-14-2012, 5:16 PM
Before you go through a big effort to match the profile, work on matching the stain. In my experience, that's a much bigger problem. The eye is very good at seeing color differences, so if the new work is near the existing work, you're going to have to get the stain to match very well. You can probably fudge a bit on the profile, but fudging the color will be much more obvious.

The wood does look like maple, for what little help that's going to be.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-14-2012, 6:04 PM
Mike....my old eyes have trouble seeing the form but you might try here: http://www.mlcswoodworking.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/smarthtml/pages/rail_and_stile_router_bits1.html

I have been using their Katana bits and have been quite pleased with the bit and the company's service.

Kyle Brooks
10-14-2012, 7:36 PM
Mike, I'm not sure if you have a router table or a shaper but here is a website and I'm sure there are more out there. You just send in a profile of the cutter you want made and they do it. http://freeborntool.com/customtooling.html

Rick Whitehead
10-14-2012, 7:49 PM
Around here, a lot of cabinetmakers have their doors made by someone else.
I would suggest that you look in the phone book for a local company that makes cabinet doors, and ask them if they made that door.
You might also look online at some of the bigger door companies to see if it's one of theirs.
On the rare occasions when I've been asked to match a cabinet door, I've been able to locate and get them made by the local companies that made the originals.

Mike Metz
10-14-2012, 8:00 PM
Thanks for all the input so far.
I have both a shaper and router table so any cutters will be fine.
These cabinet doors are from a new home that a client is wanting me to try and match the best we can. (advised that i may not be able to match perfect) but the problem is the client is about 100miles away from my location and with the cost of gas prices out here in so cal. i dont want to make a special trip to double check the profile.

joe milana
10-14-2012, 8:05 PM
Can't really tell from the pics, but it looks like a cove & bead profile. You should be able to find something similar, but I'm guesin' the door edge profile will be even tougher to match. Depends on how close a match you are hoping for. I've never priced custom router bits, but I suppose that's an option. Probably spendy & a limited life span.
Your best bet is an insert shaper cutter head & custom steel knives. If that's not an option, find someone with a shaper & cutter block & buy the knives for them & have them make the stiles & rails for you. Heck, there's probably someone on this forum that would help you out.
The cabinet pictured is hard maple. Matching those finishes is a challenge. I've gotten "close" but never perfect. I use dyes, stains, & toners, & "creep up" on the finish, but that's a whole other discussion best suited for the Finishing forum. Good Luck!

J.R. Rutter
10-14-2012, 10:00 PM
It is pretty common for cabinet companies to develop one-off profiles so that no one else can easily copy their styles. To me, that looks like a custom profile that I have not seen before. For catalog profiles, I have never seen any company with more options that Nordic (http://www.nordicsaw.com/). Good luck indeed with color and profile.

John Fabre
10-15-2012, 1:55 AM
Does it look like this?

J.R. Rutter
10-15-2012, 10:47 AM
I'm thinking that it looks something like this. Though with a tiny cove on the inside to make the round look more like a bead - I only noticed this after I posted the drawing.


Jeff Duncan
10-15-2012, 11:25 AM
I think JR's looks pretty close....but I wouldn't want to bet a job on it;)

Have them send you a door, much easier than driving, and if you can't find the profile have the knives made....assuming they're willing to pay the price of course! Your going to need the door regardless if your going to try and match the finish. I would not even consider trying to match a finish based on a pic, even with a door in your shop it's going to be tricky to get a perfect match to a factory finish...BTDT:o

good luck,

Mike Metz
10-15-2012, 1:42 PM
im thinking that's it as well. where did you find that profile at? i have been searching all over the net


J.R. Rutter
10-15-2012, 4:15 PM
I just drew it . . . Sorry. If they could send you a small drawer face or something, you could easily (but not inexpensively) get a custom set made.

Kevin Presutti
10-16-2012, 5:09 PM

Just found this on the classified page you may want to take a look. http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?193014-MLCS-Katana-Door-Bit-Set
Maybe it will work for you, price is reasonable, I think.
