View Full Version : Red.

Johnny Taylor
10-11-2012, 3:18 AM
Here is the second piece in my new series of small textured/carved and coloured hollow forms. As I called the previous one 'Blue.' I'll call this one 'Red.' Once again its Sycamore under all that colour and its again 4" tall.

C&C welcomed.


Dale Miner
10-11-2012, 7:46 AM
This one appeals more to me than 'Blue'. Perhaps it is because of the symmetry, or perhaps the spirals, or perhaps the color. Probably a combination of all three. I'm leaning towards symmetry.

I like the direction you are going with this idea.

Tim Rinehart
10-11-2012, 7:50 AM
Johnny, I too like this one. I think something about the spirals provides a better flow than the kinda sectioned off approach in "blue". This is really inviting to look at, and though you used similar techniques, I think this is clearly my favorite.

Johnny Taylor
10-11-2012, 8:06 AM
Dale, Tim, thanks guys. To be honest this is my favourite of the two as well but I do find myself wanting to use the carving and colour from 'Blue' to cover a complete form. Anyway I'm happy running with this little series and developing my carving a bit(I've really not done that much of it).


Thom Sturgill
10-11-2012, 8:14 AM
My problem is that seeing this, I would not know that it was a turned item. I would probably think it clay or ceramic rather than wood. Think about this form with some color in the currently black areas and the red/gold being natural or with a translucent tint to show the wood grain. I also like the swirled pattern much better than the sectioned.

Faust M. Ruggiero
10-11-2012, 8:17 AM
I do find myself wanting to use the carving and colour from 'Blue' to cover a complete form

Great idea. I think the series should begin with two forms each done with it's own single decoration. However, the new one is a beauty and the two styles blend well. Sweet Piece.

Mike Cruz
10-11-2012, 11:24 AM
Honestly? It isn't my thing... That said, I can CERTAINLY appreciate ALL that you've put into it, and my hat's off to you. Turning the form itself is one thing... But the carving, and what looks like pyro are something that most of us don't have the patience or skill for.